• 10/10/2022
  • By wizewebsite

In the Czech Republic, marriages with foreigners and foreignersRadio Prague International<

Ilustrační foto: congerdesign, Pixabay, CC0
Smíšená manželství tvoří asi desetinu všech sňatků uzavřených ročně v Česku. Statistici také potvrzují, že dlouhodobě větší zájem o partnera z ciziny mají ženy než muži. Co se týče výběru partnera z ciziny, u obou pohlaví vedou Slováci a Slovenky.

"In addition to Slovakia, men with Czech citizenship most often take a woman from Ukraine or Russia.In addition to the Slovaks, the brides with Czech citizenship also say to the Germans and the British, "adds Jana Křesťanová from the Department of Demographic Statistics of the CZSO.

Which nationality do Czechs and Czechs take the least?"If we look at the lowest frequency within Europe, men with Czech citizenship have taken at least women from Nordic countries, such as Finland, Sweden or Norway, as well as from Greece or Ireland.Women with Czech citizenship took the least men from the Baltic States and also from island states such as Malta, Cyprus, Iceland or Montenegro, ”explains Jana Křesťanová.

Men entered the first marriage on average at the age of 32, women nearly 30.For the wedding term, couples usually chose the summer months - from June to September.The statistics show that most weddings, almost 11 thousand, were in June and about 10 and a half thousand in August.

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Vedle toho rozvodovost mírně klesla. Podle údajů ministerstva spravedlnosti bylo loni rozvedeno mírně přes 24 tisíc manželství, nejméně od začátku tisíciletí. Prodlužuje se i doba společného soužití, po které se manželství rozpadá, z jedenáctiflight v roce 2000 na loňských více než třináctflight.

V Česku přibývá sňatků s cizinci a cizinkami | Radio Prague International

According to experts, the reason for the decline in the number of divorces is not more responsible for marriages, but mainly the fact that they enter into marriage at an older age, often after several years of previous coexistence with a partner in the informal volume.

At the same time, however.Last year, 114,000 of them were born in the Czech Republic, about four hundred less than a year earlier.This is the first decline since 2013.For the first time since 1988, the number of children born outside marriage has also decreased - from 49 percent in 2017 to 48.5 percent in the past.

Statistics have been developing the development of the number of weddings since 1785.The lowest value was during the First World War between 1915 and 1917, when the thousands were not less than four weddings.The wedding boom has always occurred in the postwar years and also during normalization at the beginning of 70.flight.