Life in the world's cities has practically stopped.The streets are desolate, clubs and pubs closed and billions of people from the authorities' regulations remain at home.How not to go crazy between four walls?Someone threw himself on baking bread from homemade sourdough, someone practices yoga, others sew the masks.
Koronavirus in the Czech Republic |
As the world media informs, quarantine measures also encouraged sexual instinct in many people.At least this is indicated by e-shop statistics with erotic aids.For example, the Swedish manufacturer of luxury vibrators LELO reports a 40 % increase in sales, the same figures are also exhibited by Womanizer, the manufacturer of the same name for women.
Czech Internet sex shops are also experiencing golden times.For example, the Ruzovyslon online in March increased a year -on -year turnover by fifty percent, for the first week of April even by one hundred percent.New customers are increasing, but existing clients spend more.
”The couples in a common household with or without children enjoy more sex on average.And the second large group of customers are people who, on the other hand, do not have their sexual partner at once - they buy new erotic toys significantly more, ”explains Ruzovyslon Adam Durčák.
City RealEx, which operates the Erotic City Trades, has seen a similar trend.However, according to the manager of her e-shop, Jiří Vocílka, the e-shop is unable to equalize the decline in sales from nearly a hundred closed stone shops.
”In this period, both existing clients and the number of new customers are increasing as a result of closing stores.It can be said that it is fifty to fifty, ”adds Vocílka.
On the contrary, the sexshop reports a fall in sales by 80 percent."Some of the regular customers do not buy at all, for example, prostitutes and companions who regularly purchased large packs of condoms and sex swabs," writes the e-shop operator Petr Zmrhal in the e-shop operator.
”There is probably no fear.If people are in quarantine at home and if they are not in a fresh relationship, then the submarine will start between them after two or three days.Less sex, less appetite to experiment, ”thinks Zmrhal.
In the United States also changed the behavior of customers online sex shops.”It reminds me a little bit of food accumulation.People buy something they might ever need in the future, even if they have almost never bought it before, ”said Alicia Sinclairova, director of the company producing erotic aids for women.
”There are people who buy five aids at a time or three different size anal pin.It looks like people are supplied for a long time in advance, ”says Sinclair.The bestseller between her products is a pocket uv sterilizer of sexual aids."I suppose people use them for keys, phones or glasses.They sterilize objects of everyday needs.”
Readers voted until 0:00 Thursday 16.April 2020.The poll is closed.
In Czech sex shops, the demand for disinfectants has increased, but otherwise it is clearly leading vibrators, Womanizers (vacuum masturbators), Venus balls and aphrodisiacs.“The hit of these days are paired vibrators and masturbators for men who are sold significantly more than before. Holt osamělých mužů je najednou více a k tomu PornHub zdarma,” vysvětluje Durčák.
According to Jiří Vocílka quarantine significantly records experimentation and testing of new erotic toys, but also the first acquaintance with these aids. „Díky časové flexibilitě se zvyšuje četnost pohlavního styku a páry tak často sahají po afrodisiakách,” domýšlí se manažer jednoho z největších řetězců s erotickým zbožím ve střední Evropě.
Sexshop statistics need to be taken with a great reserve.Their clients are people who consider sex to be important and are in favor of experimentation.However, their current behavior certainly does not reflect events in the entire population.Some people got into stressful situations as a result of the pandemic.
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Nevertheless, the coronavirus crisis has a great impact on the sex life of the Czech Republic's population.Can we expect to see a baby boom in nine months?According to sexologists, this is far from being that simple.
„Současná situace je neuvěřitelný reálný experiment, který poukáže na souvislost řady biologických a sociálních vlivů souvisejících se sexuálním, partnerským a reprodukčním chováním,” říká Kateřina Klapilová z Laboratoře evoluční sexuologie a psychopatologie Národního ústavu duševního zdraví.
Together with his colleagues, he now triggers an extensive study of love and sex in the times of pandemic, aimed at comparing the influence of Covid-19 diseases on sexuality in individual European countries.
„Láska a sex za časů pandemie”Engaged in researching the impact of COVID-19 diseases on sexual behavior and win thematic prices. |
According to Klapilová, it can be assumed that partner couples now have more time and thus a higher number of sexual contacts, but this is not automatically true.
“For completely isolated partners, a lot depends on how their relationship and sexuality worked before and whether they have the opportunity to relax a little. Dynamika sexuality může v závislosti na tom jít oběma směry - jejich vzájemná sexuální touha může vzrůst i snížit se,” vysvětluje sexuoložka.
The size of the household, the stress of the care of offspring who does not go to school, concerns about loss of employment or fear of intimate touch for infection also plays a role.People can respond to these influences.“In some, this may lead to an increase in stress ventilation through sexual activity or to increase the motivation to have offspring. U řady lidí naopak k útlumu sexuality a touhy po reprodukci,” myslí si Klapilová.
We can now say that Czechs are now more devoted to online sexual activities.Porn viewership on the Internet also grows thanks to people without a partner who are insulation alone, have a lot of free time and thus more masturbate. „Statistikypornografických stránek sledujeme a potvrzujeme, že se jedná o výrazný nárůst,” upozorňuje Klapilová.