• 08/07/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Koukalová and Konečný: Can Media Moula Roman Šebrle divorce at the level?<

Before Roman Šebrle entered the show business and became a moderator, his athletic marriage to Eva was taken as one of the most stable, which began a little ancient tragedy.Eva had a serious relationship with a man who died tragically during a car accident.Šebrle was his friend, and Eva comforted so much that he eventually took her as a woman, moved to the house on the outskirts of Prague and raised two children.Roman Home carried medals, Eva raised new athletic talents on the track and both were out of media attention.

The turning point occurred when Šebrle ended up with an active career, looking for a new application and received an offer from television.Although he couldn't speak, sometimes he couldn't even read, but the audience worked as a very handsome man with an exemplary family life.

Koukalová & Konečný: Dokáže se mediální moula Roman Šebrle rozvést na úrovni?

Party sinner Šebrle: divorce!Before Christmas with his wife wrote an application

Roman Šebrle

If at the time Roman Šebrle entered the viewfinder of the lights, there were any problems in his marriage, it was not known, but with the advent of television came duties such as invitation, premieres and night events, and his relationship began to be more visible.

Nevíme, jestli byl Roman Šebrle takový, než ho posedl večírkový démon, ale určitě se dá říct, že neměl prostor jako na těchto akcích, kdy tou nejvýraznější byla horká noc na Primě. Manželka Eva, ačkoliv nerada, jelikož chtěla zůstat mimo veškerou pozornost, zpočátku plnila roli doprovodu slavného muže, a když si prohlédnete jejich společné fotky, Eva se moc nebavila a bylo jí nepříjemné, že je někdo fotí, zejména když jí projevoval náklonnost do kamer.

„Jsem zvyklá, že se podívají nejdříve na Romana a až pak na mě,“ řekla jednou Eva v rozhovoru pro Super.cz a tím jen završila to evidentní, že nepatří mezi ženy, jež si užívají svého postavení doplňku nuceného chodit na společenské akce.