• 05/03/2023
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Forest Moses played on a surgeon, his sheep operated with a meat chisel<

"It was a shark, he needed to see blood," recalls François Thériault today.His father found dead at the end of February 2011 in prison in Dorchester in the province of Nový Brunshvik, where he has been serving a life sentence for eighteen years.According to Toronto Sun server died with hand fellow prisoner.Françoise the violent death of the father was not surprised."We knew it would happen someday," he confided in the press.Was surprised by the fact that they did not kill him before.

Roch "Moses" Thériault with his brutality and perverse behavior in 80.The years of the last century shocked Canada.Was born 16.May 1947 in Quebec in a Catholic family and experienced a fairly normal childhood, although according to the book Voodoo Killers: Sorery, Sorcery and the Supernatural in adulthood complained that his father was abused by his father.

Over time, the Catholic Church disgusted to the young Roch so much that for some time faith has completely rejected.At twenty he married Francine Grenier and fathered with her two sons - François and Roche -Sylvin.But marriage was not happy.Thérial Pil, had a weakness for women and began to show an unhealthy obsession with medicine (allegedly because of their stomach ulcers).Francine became less and less recognized and soon left him with little sons.

In 70.Years Thérault became a member of the Church of Adventists on the seventh day and dreamed of helping people who wanted to get rid of cigarette addiction and other addictive substances.The enthusiastic medical professional - the amateur therefore began to organize “detoxifying seminars” throughout Quebec."The five -day program based on a healthy diet, psychological and group therapies achieved excellent results," said Infosect Thériault, later.

Charismatic leader

In his words, he was not planning to establish a community at first, but over time he said they began to join the adventists who addressed his seminars.“The fact that my colleagues decided to live and work with me led to several serious organizational problems.They all left their paid jobs to dedicate their time to new work.And because my courses were not paid and the participants gave only as much as they could at the end of each session, I could not pay my helpers.This made us establish a community, ”explained Thériault.

Juice treatment

Kniha Voodoo Killers: Slavery, Sorcery and the Supernatural popisuje případ Geraldine Gagné Auclairové, která se v roce 1978 léčila s leukémií a která zemřela poté, co se do její léčby vložil Roch Thériault.

Její manžel ho pozval do nemocnice, kde se amatérský lékař začal dohadovat s ošetřujícími lékaři o množství léků, které pacientce předepsali.He finally convinced her husband to take her to his "clinic".

Auclairovou léčil hroznovou šťávou a organickou stravou.She hadn't lived for a long time. „Víte, když Bůh někoho chce, vezme si ho. Nastal Geraldinin čas,“ vysvětlil Thériault truchlícímu vdovci.

Ordered his followers to interrupt all contacts with family and friends."Hold the devil to the length of your arm," he explained biblically.He also ordered everyone to wear the same clothes - by ankles a long tunic without underwear.For women green, for men beige, he himself dressed brown.

The strange behavior of a group around detoxifying seminars could not miss the leadership of adventists, which eventually Thériaulta and his faithful excomunik.And the suspect was also conceived by the parents of girls who failed the charismatic leader and were willing to follow anywhere.The persuasion did not help, even if the police assisted.The girls did not say a word.

Thériault did not lose its most faithful, but interest in detoxifying seminars has dropped.The bearded guru understood that people were looking at his group through their fingers, and after a year that the group spent by selling organic food and holistic literature, he decided to move to the seaside town of Gaspé in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

“I must admit that my desire to isolated in this magical place was irrational, inexplicable and very personal.But time has strengthened our mutual ties and we were in our efforts more uniform than ever, ”he explained why his faithful followed him to the east of Canada.

End of the world?I guess I recalculated

Lesní Mojžíš si hrál na chirurga, své ovečky operoval sekáčkem na maso

In July 1978, a community of about twenty young people began to build their own village on a hill above Gaspé.Thériault did not fundamentally involved - he claimed to be sick and even heard he had a cancer.In observing his loyal workers, he thought they were resembling ants.So the name of the movement was born in his head: The Ant Hill Kids.

The new uniform has become a dark blue stitched tune, all members also got a new biblical name such as Salome, Cain, Rachel and Gideon.The system was simple, everyone has drawn their new name out of the hat.Thériult was the name of Moses - the name of the Old Testament Prophet reportedly chose other members of the nascent sect.

Magic landscape around Gaspé, located in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

At that time there was something more from detoxifying seminars.The following year Moses predicted the approaching end of the world.According to his fortune teller, she had 19.February 1979 life on our planet to sweep a huge storm and Thériult believed God commissioned him to build a better world.

When nothing had happened that fateful Monday, Moses said that God had just indicated the end of the world.In addition, God and people perceive time differently - one divine second is forty years on earth and vice versa - so he could recalculate himself.His ant forgiven him.

Once the village was completed, Theriault ceremonially canceled all marriages and said all women are just his.In the next twelve years, five sect members were born more than twenty children.The father of most of them was Moses, who, moreover.However, the girls, despite these views, strongly attracted.One of them was twenty -one -year -old Solange Boilad, who became fateful membership in the sect.

Alcohol in it woke the animal

Thériault, despite all speech about detoxifying the body and healthy diet continued to enjoy alcohol that awakened his demons.Moses terrorized his ant, brutally punished and systematically humiliated.

In 1980 his little sons François and Roch-Sylvain moved to Gaspé and immediately recognized the cruel nature of their father.They too have become an object of his violent and sexual appetites.Whenever he got drunk, they knew they would come to them."When I was a kid, I was so scared of him that just as he said my name, I began to tremble like aspen," François recalled after years.

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Thériault tyrannized all of.The nurse Gabrielle Lavallé be beat up with a belt for falling asleep during his drunk sermons.After another offense, the others invited to punish her.

"They surrounded me, kicked me into me, pulled me by my hair and hair.I shouted.I was so afraid that I was contaminated, ”Gabrielle later described, who wrote the book of the Alliance of the Sheep.

Members of the sects enrolled their mistakes in the internal newsletter Journal des Enfants d´ Israël (newspapers of children Israel).For the slightest sin, for example.A woman who ate two pancakes more than she had had broken thériault two ribs.

Marysa Grenier (one of the few women who did not include the guru) once wanted to escape from the group.Moses forced her husband to cut her finger on her leg.“Are you warm?You don't have balls?If you want to be a real man, you have to learn how to give your wife a lesson, ”the guru shouted at the relucting man.

The social worker took seventeen children.Helped the escape of the boy's battle

One March Night of 1981 could not fall asleep and constantly cried.Guy Veer, who was in charge of "strange" children in the sect (those not produced by Thériault) could no longer endure that and the boy was killed to death.

The life is Beautiful

O podivnou skupinku žijící nedaleko Gaspé se několikrát zajímali policisté, psychiatři i místní dřevorubci.However, until the former sect members talked, they did not know much. Děti mraveniště vždy tvrdily, že jsou šťastné a život je krásný.

Roche Thériaulta a pár dalších souvěrců roku 1979 dokonce vyslýchala policie a vůdce sekty odvezla na psychiatrii na pozorování. Soudní znalec pak prohlásil, že samozvaného proroka není možné soudit, protože je nepříčetný. Další posudek to však vyvrátil.

Another source says the child died only after Moses tried to recover by circumcision and casting disinfection in the neck.Anyway.Castration.

Veer probably did not accept this cleansing quite well because he escaped and reported everything to the police.After a few more or less tapping visits (more in the box), she eventually took four people including the Thériault.A year later, the court for Ezekiel's death and mutilated VEERA sent him to prison for two years, others got nine months.

Moses' imprisonment did not disappear.When the leader of the sect for freedom came in 1984, he pulled out of sight of the Quebec police and settled with his faithful in the forests of Burnt River in the neighboring province of Ontario.It was here that his psychopathic tendencies were to be fully manifested.

The offices of the authorities a year later aroused a beaten boy who fled from the forests and told the police that Thériault had sexually attacked him.He also testified that the crazy guru often holds children unbearably close to the fire and laughs at their desperate mothers.Only then did the authorities intervene, sects took seventeen children and handed them to the children's homes.

Torn teeth, amputated arm

But adults still stayed alongside their leader.They lasted a lot of."He knew my tooth hurts me.Without asking which one began to tear my teeth.He was drunken and totally crazy, in addition to my teeth, he was tearing my jaws, ”said Gabrielle Lavallée at the police in November 1988, which the amateur dentist deprived of a total of eight teeth.In addition, she cut the tendon out of her right hand.

Gabrielle no longer endured and escaped, but after a few days and heartbreaking pleas of exceptionally sober prophet returned.She probably regretted it very soon.Moses got drunk again and decided to operate her hand with a blunt knife and a meat chisel.To make it unable to move, he pinned her hand with a hunting knife to the kitchen table.

"I was frightened.He was crazy again.Stood there and looked like in trance.I was helpless, long enough to decide to have my arms gone.“Thériult really with the help of another member of the sect cut off the arm in the elbow.Even in the next days he tortured his sacrifice - for example, a fresh blow to her again and burned again with a hot rod.

The weak Gabrielle finally escaped and described the police what happened to her.“We discover a new horror every day.It was the castrated man first.Then the woman they have repeatedly tortured.We absolutely do not have an idea where it will end, ”said police investigator Bob Bowen to the local press.The worst really had to come.

How to revive his wife

In the autumn of 1988 Solange, one of Moses' wives, got sick.Guru convinced her that the problem would probably be in the liver and that she needs surgery.He should have done that of course he.Before that, he ordered her enema from molasses and olive oil, put a tubing in her neck, and ordered everyone to blow into it and merge it again.

Sects, cults, Messiah

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Cut led on the right side of the abdomen from which he subsequently ripped the strip of tissue.Solange said he would be fine now.Was not.Blood began to flow from her mouth and died shortly thereafter.Moses tried to kill several times in despair, but when he failed, he said it was God's will.

Solangino the body buried, but immediately dug it again.This was repeated three times.Reason?Moses and his wife tried to resurrect.First poured vinegar on her to drive away the worms.On the next attempt he overcame himself - ordered to drill a dead wife into the head of a hole over which he then masturbated.Was convinced that his seed solangin's brain would bring to life.One of her bones then wore on his neck like a pendant.

The finding of the body buried on the land of the cult was shocked by police officers and the Canadian public.For the abuse of Gabrielle and the murder of Solange sent the court of Rocha Thériault to life imprisonment.His devoted companions visited him in prison, with two of them fathered two more children.

Brothers François and Roch-Sylvain have been controlled over their lives only at the threshold of adulthood.In 2009 the book was written by the book Blood brothers - the sons of Moses.They say that they will get rid of their horrific experiences only by talking about them aloud.They believe that after their mad father have not inherited any psychopathic tendency and their children will not experience what they.