• 04/06/2022
  • By wizewebsite

The Five Pillars of Islam<

Every Muslim has 5 main duties:

Believe in one God and his Prophet Muhammad. The confession of faith, the so-called shahadah, after saying which a person becomes a Muslim, reads literally as follows: "There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet.", in Arabic "La-illahu ilallah, wa Muhammadún rasúlullah."

To make a pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime, the so-called hajj (hajj, hajj). Hajj has its own rules and rituals that must be observed. During the pilgrimage period, several million believers from all over the world gather in Mecca. The one who performed the pilgrimage then boasts the title "haji" (haji) in front of his name.

To fast from morning to night during the entire month of Ramadan (its exact time changes every year, see below).

Five Pillars of Islam

Provide alms (zakat) to the needy, optimally 2.5% of your wealth.

Pray. The muezzin calls Muslims to prayer (salah in Arabic) 5 times a day from the minarets – before sunrise, in the middle of the day, in the afternoon, at sunset and later in the evening. The exact prayer time changes every day and is published in the daily press and on television. Of course, not every Muslim really prays 5 times a day. You can perform the prayer anywhere, but praying in a mosque is considered more beneficial. The worshipers always face Mecca and perform a well-defined series of movements and prostrations that have symbolic meaning. The most important prayer is Friday noon, when all religious men should come to the mosque. Prayer is preceded by obligatory washing and purification. Remember that you should not walk in front of a praying person when visiting a mosque.