• 19/02/2022
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Czech celebrities Mefisto and Markéta have clothes worth millions: The new Czech musical premiered at the Hybernia Theater<

Previous Next4. November 2016 ● 09: 10Share:


The actors of the musical Mephisto can boast of a wardrobe for millions. Only shoes for Josef Vojtek (51), the envoy of hell and the main star of the whole music show, cost eight thousand crowns!

The magnificent Faust-themed musical was not spared at all. "The costume for each actor was estimated at 30,000," executive producer Michal Mückstein told Blesk.

The cursed musical Mephisto: After Renč, the lead singer dropped out!

Before Wednesday's ceremonial premiere at the Hybernia Theater in Prague, they did not have all the financial documents processed, but according to the costume designer Jan Růžička (70), dressing up actors was about three million!

Fotogalerie19fotografiíPepa Vojtek (51), role: Mefisto: Rocker is also excited about the costume. He moves well on stage in it. Author: Photo for Blesk - musical MefistoAuthor: zejShare:


musical, hybernia theater, josef vojtek, theater, costumes, mephisto

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