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Eva Tvrdá: Readers are found in my books about Hlučínsko.She thinks I have experienced a war<

May 9, 2020 business card

Writer Eva Tvrdá was born in Opava and lives in Šilheřovice - a village that has been dedicated to her last book through her eyes to see the eyes of Vidźeć.However, she maps the dramatic history of Hlučín Silesia systematically, as she also described in the business card, where she was invited by Eva Lenartová.Reprisal of 13 February 2020.

Hlučínsko - an area that is part of the Opava Silesia - is a great inspiration for writer Eva Tvrdá.He often thinks about him and stories from the region, which in 1920 became part of Czechoslovakia, permeates her books.

Eva Tvrdá mapuje dramatickou historii hlučínského Slezska|foto: Miluše Pagáč Veverková

At first the Hlučín roots prevented themselves;As she revealed in the business card, she wanted to be worldwide.“The older I am, the more I find that Hlučínsko belongs to me.That I have his features, ”he says.According to her, they really exist - they include savings, diligence, love for home and the desire for community life.

Since the mid -18th century, the area of Hlučín Silesia was part of Prussia and then Germany, the local inhabitants spoke German, but also a special dialect - "after ours", as Eva Tvrdá says.The process of "Czechization" was interrupted by World War II, during which Hlučínsko was attached to Germany.The Hlučín men had to hand in the first line under the heading of the Wehrmacht and the Slezin became a secret language.

Lady, but you're young!

Eva Tvrdá graduated from the Faculty of Education in Ostrava, and according to her words, she understood the historical memory of the region at university.Twenty years later, it became the topic of their books.

Spisovatelka Eva Tvrdá|foto: Alexandr Satinský,Profimedia, MAFRA

Eva Tvrdá: Čtenáři se v mých knihách o Hlučínsku nacházejí. Myslí si, že jsem zažila válku

The reader has already gained the debut of the inheritance, which originally published as a text on the sequel to the local monthly Mirror of the Hlučínsko region.The story of a woman whose dreams will be destroyed by the war, the death of a husband, and different political views across the family, drew from the general experience of the region.When she was forty -two, she published the book at her own expense.The reactions did not wait long."The readers were surprised, as I was young, thought I had a war," she smiles.And she adds that her fictitious stories often assign readers to specific fates.

In the business card Eva Tvrdá, she also talked about other books mapping the stories of people from Hlučín: about the windows to the room, Pandora's cabinet and the book by the Třešňová alley.It is this novel, taking place in the village of Třebom, is said to attract readers to a trip to the literary region.But the author himself draws inspiration.Other her favorite places are the Bělá and the Sudice Church.

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Last autumn, she published a bit like her grandmother's homage to see the book with her eyes to see.It is a story in Czech and Laština, a language that the poet Oondra Lysohorsky created on the basis of the original language of the Hlučínsko region in the last century and which the author updated thanks to dictionaries and other sources.

The book dedicated to the history of the village Šilheřovice is said to be the last in which the Hlučín fates thematized.“It's time -consuming and mentally demanding and I don't know if I would have enough strength for the next book.Moreover, I like to be attracted by uncertainty, something unknown.And that's how the area is already trapped for me. ”

Listen to the entire business card in which Eva Tvrdá talks about her other plans.

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