• 08/02/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Czechs throw away 200 tons of textiles a year.However, the interest in sorting is increasing<

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Clothing shopping is a well -known pastime, which also has a significant environmental impact.Even nowadays, which calls for sustainability, they still sell clothing from poor quality textiles that last only a few wearing and then there is no choice but to throw them away.Although the annual production of textile waste does not decrease, the interest in its sorting is growing among Czechs.

According to estimates, the residents of the European Union bought 6.4 million tons of clothing in 2015.“The EU Textile Industry generates more than 16 miles every year.ton of waste.We have estimates in the Czech Republic based on various studies and analyzes of municipal waste composition.The amount of textile waste in the Czech Republic can be between 120,000 - 200,000 tons per year.This means 4-6 % of mixed municipal waste.In general, the interest in the sorting of textiles is growing, eg.Thanks to the continuous thickening of the collection network, "says Dominika Pospíšilová from the press department of the Ministry of the Environment.

New trends accelerate consumption

Češi ročně vyhodí 200 tun textilu. Vzrůstá však zájem o třídění

The more clothing people buy, the more textile waste they produce.One of the strategies of clothing companies to keep the customers' interest is the so -called.fast fashion.This is characterized by the fact that it offers the customer the current trends in dressing, but it is a textile of synthetic materials with short life.Thus, these pieces of clothing will be resumed much faster and produce multiple carbon emissions than better clothing that lasts longer.

In addition, customers often bring home and clothing that will never apply to each other never.,, you need to know what your type suits and what clothes definitely not take.I only buy if I am 100 % convinced that this piece will definitely be wearing.When I hesitate, I leave this piece in the store because I know it would stay in my closet.It is also necessary to shop so that my clothes fit for individual outfits, "describes Petra Koutná from the family clothing company Koutný Prostějov his approach to buying clothes.

The problem of synthetic fibers containing a large part of the plastic is that they do not fall into the natural variation cycle, and thus the time of their disintegration is multiply higher than in natural fibers.Thus, substances like polyester and nylon can decompose twenty or even two hundred years.For cotton the same process takes a week, a maximum of a few months;linen fabric decomposes within two weeks.

Interest in sorting is increasing

The reduction of production and consumption of textiles cannot be talked yet.As part of the New Waste Act, however.Even so, there is an increasing number of those who want to sort textiles.In addition to the Ministry of the Environment, this trend is confirmed, for example, by Dimatex CS, which deals with collection and recycling of textiles in the Czech Republic.In our territory, it has already deployed more than 1700 containers, from which it selects textile means for recycling or secondary use in the form of cleaning cloths.In its containers Dimatex CS records an increasing volume of sorted textile waste every year."We feel an increase in containers' yield but unfortunately also a decline in the quality of the material collected in all regions of the country," said Jana Procházková, director of Dimatex CS.


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