• 24/01/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Around the city they deploy containers for textiles and shoes - Jičínský diary<


Co mají společné Kajínek, Černý a Chodounský? Seriál oživil spojení21.4.2011

Jičín - Ten new containers, this time on used fabrics and shoes, deploy a private company in the city.

Kliknutím zvětšíte Bílé kontejnery na sběr oděvů a textilu. | Foto: Zuzana Koulová

"Similarly as containers for electrical appliances, other white containers will be replenished," says Deputy Mayor Josef Dvořák, saying that the preserved clothes will get Diaconia, others will serve as cloths for cleaning.A city that has no cost with a new service will save the capacity of containers for mixed waste.It will be possible to get rid of the textile in the housing estate of Nové Město south, parking lot on Lidice Square, Vrchlického Street, Roubousy, at the bus stop in Sedličky, under Lipami (behind the former mate), at the car dealership in Fügnerova Street, Letná u Samoobsluhy, Čeřovce (Čeřovce (beyond the hospital) and in the end ofCrolum street in the collection yard.

"Technical services will only monitor so that there are no clutter problems in these places," added Deputy Mayor.⋌ (Iva)

Budete využívat nové nádoby?

Kristýna Machová, 23 Years of Nemeryves, Certainly.It's a good thing, people will at least sort more waste and then use the clothing to be used for people who need our help.We will also not have to wait for collection events, which is another positive.Personally, I will welcome the news even though I am not directly from Jičín.

Ondřej Brunner, 13 réjičín I think it is a good thing, people will have nowhere to put old things that do not end up only in landfill but will continue to be used.At least it forces us to sort.⋌ (metal)

Předplaťte si Deník.cz a čtěte vše bez limitu a omezení.Více zde. Místo události: 21.4.2011DiskuzeJičín,obuv,Josef Dvořák,Letná,Nemyčeves,náměstí,autobusová zastávka,nemocnice,autobazar,sběrný dvůr

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Po městě rozmístí kontejnery na textil a obuv - Jičínský deník