• 03/02/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Mother breastfeeds her big daughters in public and how many years they want: she caused upheaval<

Breastfeeding children is a popular topic in the Czech Republic.Some tend to shut down at a certain age, other mothers want to breastfeed as long as possible.For example, Natasha Keane (38) has been breastfeeding her daughters for several years and now fighting for long -term breastfeeding.06.07.2020 21:55 |Author Denisa Stasinkovástek

„Je v pořádku, aby ženy ve spodním prádle byly na obrovských reklamních billboardech, ale není v pořádku nechat matku krmit své dítě na veřejnosti,“ kroutí hlavou trojnásobná matka Natasha Keane a dodává, že je pro ni kojení nepřirozenější věcí na světě.Clung to the side that the child is to decide when to breastfeeding to stop.And fights for women's rights to breastfeed where the child gets hungry.


Berenika showed how they breastfeed a little Lola: You're doing it wrong, experienced mothers got into it

He wants healthy children

Matka kojí své velké dcery na veřejnosti a do kolika let chtějí: Vyvolala tím pozdvižení

According to her long -term delivery of breast milk her daughter Ellie (6) and Grace (4) have never been sick and needed no antibiotics. „Věřím, že kojení jim vytvořilo silný imunitní systém,“ vysvětluje Natasha.While Ellie ceased to require breast milk before the fifth birthday, Grace is still continuing.Milk gets every morning and evening.Against this approach Le resisted her nineteen -year -old son Stephen, who, like many other critics, believes that breastfeeding the child of the elderly is at least weird.


Opponents of breastfeeding in public shake their heads: Ashley Graham feeds her son where she attacks her

Helps other mothers

Natasha shares her story on social networks and hopes to normalize breastfeeding.In addition, they try to support mothers who cannot breastfeed.It therefore encourages them to use dairy banks where other women donate their own milk supplies.She has devoted six liters of milk herself in the past and helped twenty -two premature children.

Breast milk is recommended by healthcare professionals

According to the Institute of Health Information and Statistics, however.

The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding exclusively to the sixth month of the child's age.Upon introduction of baby foods, the mother can continue within two years or more.In breast milk are demonstrably substances that promote defenses and thus decrease the risk of diarrhea, cough, infection or inflammation. Dlouhodobé kojení dokonce posiluje mentální schopnosti a děti tak mají později lepší výsledky ve škole.When do you consider it appropriate to breastfeed children?

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