• 07/03/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Excavators in the orchards of Svatopluk Čech: Fountains and a paddling pool for 39 million will be built<

At the moment, the visitor of the Svatopluk Čech orchards will not have a general experience from the walk. The center of the park with a statue of an important Czech poet and journalist is blocked by a fence and excavators drive there. A new water element is being built, which is to contain fountains, a paddling pool and an excerpt from the work of the writer Svatopluk Čech in the area between the nozzles. The start of trial operation is planned during the summer holidays and the cost of construction work amounts to CZK 39,305,595.

“Water features, as well as mistlights and nebulae, are very popular among our residents and especially children. On hot summer days, when the streets are hot, it will come in handy for everyone, "says Alexandra Udženija (ODS), mayor of Prague 2. At present, townspeople from the" two "can meet them in a total of 15 places in parks, streets and in the squares.

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"The new water feature in the Svatopluk Čech orchards will not only dominate the entire park, but will certainly be a welcome refreshment for everyone," said the mayor. The main motivation for the new plan was the unhappy state of the previous water element. "I am glad that we were finally able to start implementing a project that will turn the whole space into a full-fledged rest zone," commented Václav Vondrášek (ODS), Deputy Mayor for the Environment.

Bagry v sadech Svatopluka Čecha: Vzniknou vodotrysky a brouzdaliště za 39 milionů

Not only the former fountain, but also its immediate surroundings will undergo the transformation. The surrounding sidewalks and the park's furniture will be restored. The lawn at the fountains and fountains will be automatically irrigated. As part of the project, a supply for LED lighting for the Svatopluk Čech monument is to be introduced into the park.

A disco in the park?

Passers-by are looking forward to the transformation of the park. "I think it's great that the town hall decided to fix the fountain. It already seemed nice to me if another one would be created instead that would not prevent the functionality of the park, why not, ”says the young mother with the child for Blesk. However, they are afraid of discos in the park. According to her, LED lights could create an artificial urban atmosphere. "The statue doesn't need saltpetre," he says.

Another visitor to Jiří Park praises the plan. "It simply came to our notice then. I'm for every new thing. Kindergartens and mothers with children go to the park, and refreshments in the summer will certainly come in handy, ”he said at the expense of the new water feature.

Few flowers and neglected infrastructure

According to visitors, the current state of the park and its maintenance could improve, but otherwise the current appearance of the Svatopluk Čech orchards suits them. "This park is good, but there are no flowers whose decoration should be improved," adds Jiří.

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The selfish owners of their four-legged pets, who do not clean up after their partners, cause problems for their mother and child. "I am most bothered by irresponsible dogs in the park. There is a lot of dirt, "he shakes his head. According to her, this is the dirtiest park in the area. However, he praises the availability and clarity of the space. "When a child runs somewhere, I have him under surveillance everywhere," he adds.

Video length: 00: 30.72

Jan Dařílek turns over the excavated part of the Svatopluk Čech orchards

Photo gallery5 photosPark will be a center of peace and oasis in the summer of 2022. Author: Jan Dařílek