• 09/05/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Did you pinch your nerve? Tips to relieve your pain<

Sudden intense stings usually occur in the thoracic or lumbar spine, around the scapula, between the ribs, but also in the wrist or elbow. "Well, you just have a pinched nerve!"

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This is how your loved ones or colleagues at work who witness such events usually react. It's easy to say, but what does it mean to you? And how to deal with this unbearable pain? The fact that you probably don't just breathe it up is clear at the moment.

And you won't straighten up anymore ...

In professional medical terminology, we do not talk about pinching, but about oppression of the nerve, which can cause a fall, strain a certain part of the body or also lying down or simply "bad movement", for example when trying to help a colleague at work move a computer, bend over the table and you grab the device, but at that moment a sharp pain goes through your hips and it is painted, you will not straighten.

The paradox is that the body's reaction in the form of an acute blockage is basically a defense mechanism that our body uses in similar events. However, such an explanation is of no use to you at the moment. You only want one thing: to relieve yourself of that terrible pain.

Shooting pain

But that's a bit of a problem. The pinched nerve gets between two bone structures or under a contracted muscle, causing inflammation that causes swelling accompanied by that unpleasant pain.

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Skřípli jste si nerv? Tipy, které vám uleví od bolesti

And as if that weren't enough, other symptoms include tingling, numbness or muscle cramps. Not to mention that the pain is not only concentrated in the affected area, but also happily shoots into other parts of the body (hands, feet, shoulder blades, intercostal area). Everyone who has ever "caught a houser" knows this very well.

The problem caused by a pinch of the lumbar nerve is reported by severe stabbing pain in the lower back, which often shoots up to the feet (this licker often catches us when moving sharply to the forward bend associated with body rotation or lifting a heavy object).

At the same time, acute pain usually arises where our body is weakened in some way, whether due to injury, long-term overload, sedentary lifestyle, etc. However, pinched nerves can also be caused by a disc, arthritis or bone growths.

Do not train or massage

Now the main question is how to help yourself in such a precarious situation. It may not be out of the question if we first say what you definitely shouldn't do.

Never, but really never, try to break up the pain or stretch the affected areas in various ways. It is also quite natural that someone close to you will offer to massage you properly, which is a commendable gesture, but you should reject it with thanks. This is probably the worst thing that can be done at the moment.

Inflammation of the surrounding tissue would be significantly worsened and even more pressure would be exerted on the oppressed nerve. So forget about similar methods right away, you'd just be burdened with it.

It doesn't have to be a heart attack

Your heart hurts, your left hand stings and you are already thinking of the worst? Don't worry, it doesn't have to be a heart attack right away, but just a pinched nerve.

Especially if your chest hurts, especially when you inhale. When the vertebrae compress the nerves in the cervical spine, in addition to hurting a lot, people also complain of tingling in the hand, which is sometimes completely numb. So no unnecessary panic.

One thing will help here: Peace and rest, ideally in a supine position, not a "rest mode" in which you can even iron, cook and wash four washing machines. Really try to relax as much as possible and keep the movements during which you feel pain to the minimum necessary. It's even better if you sleep well. In sleep, your body regenerates and heals faster.

Relieves dry tiles

When you are a little relieved, you can use warm dry compresses, such as a heated towel, thermophore or gel pad, which you buy at the pharmacy, and carefully strengthen the affected area (neck with a scarf, cross area with firmer underwear or a wide scarf, etc.).

Also try to find a position where you do not perceive the pain so noticeably. As soon as you are an even bigger chipper and if it doesn't make your problems worse, take a light walk. However, when it comes to a recurring problem, it is necessary to see a doctor who will decide on appropriate rehabilitation in the form of massages, exercises or electrotherapy.

Béčko and St. John's wort oil

Add more calcium and magnesium to your diet to speed healing. It is also suitable to supplement B vitamins (especially B1, B6 and B12), which contribute to the regeneration of muscle fibers and improve nerve and muscle nutrition.

If you have pain, you can also try a St. John's wort decoction in the form of a compress or St. John's wort oil, which can be used to fight the affected area.


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