• 09/11/2022
  • By wizewebsite

The baby often wakes up at night and spins restlessly?Try these helpers<

Irregular sleep often brings parents of small babies to the pediatrician's office, where they search for the reason why their child does not sleep. "I deal with sleep problems quite often in pediatric practice and with children of all age categories," says pediatrician Jana Šumanová, who has been treating with homeopathy for many years.

The most common reason for problematic sleep in infants is painful teething, but there can be a number of causes. If the pediatrician assures you that your child does not have any health problems that need to be addressed by a specialist, try natural treatment - for example, using single-ingredient homeopathic medicines. However, above all, stop stressing that your baby doesn't sleep through the night while the neighbor's does. Every baby is different and newborns need more frequent milk supply for their development. This means that, unlike us, feeding at night clearly benefits them.

VIDEO: How to put a baby to sleep?

Natural Remedies

Homeopathic remedies can help your baby, whether it's a tummy ache, teething or nightmares. They can relieve pain and help you sleep peacefully. "Homeopathic medicines are gentle, non-addictive, do not strain the liver or kidneys, do not cause allergies or photosensitivity, children do not mind their taste, and they work well when used," the pediatrician enumerates the advantages of this treatment.

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Growth of teeth: It is possible even without pain. Cooling, biting and homeopathy

will help

Chamomilla vulgaris (true chamomile) is among the basic remedies for insomnia in infants and toddlers. It is known as a remedy for teething difficulties, but it is also a remedy for over-excitement, when babies cannot relax from the many exciting events that have happened during the day. It is given every evening in a dilution of 9 or 15 C, for small children preferably 5 granules dissolved in a little water.

The baby often wakes up at night and is restless is he sleeping? Try these helpers

"For restless children, I use the homeopathic medicine Rhus toxicodendron and for children who require frequent drinking at night, the homeopathic medicine Silicea. In the treatment of night terrors, the homeopathics Stramonium, Kalium bromatum or Calcarea carbonica can help, for milder sleep disorders and for milder sleep disorders associated with anxiety, I recommend some multi-component homeopathic medicines," advises Dr. Šumanová with proven tips from her medical practice.

The homeopathic Rhus toxicodendron is used for a child who is crying and restless, who moves in the crib, kicks himself and is constantly irritable. The medicine Stramonium is also used in cases where the child requires a lit lamp when falling asleep, is afraid, is afraid of ghosts and wants company in the room.

Homeopathy is scientifically based

Homeopathic medicines are non-toxic, can be used simultaneously with other preparations, have no known side effects and can be used by everyone, including risk groups of patients, which include babies, small children, but also pregnant and lactating women. Their effects are confirmed by scientific studies, so you don't have to worry about experimenting with your baby.


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"Homeopathy is a path to a completely natural and effective effect on the human organism. It brings quick relief in acute conditions, and when treating chronic conditions, it can grasp a person's problem in a broader context, in the so-called bio-psycho-social level," confirms general practitioner Eliška Bartlová, who has been working with homeopathic treatment in her practice for a long time.

Real-life studies prove that homeopathic treatment has its benefits, whether used alone or as an adjunct to conventional treatment. There is currently a Europe-wide campaign to promote scientific evidence in homeopathy, sponsored by the Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) in England. The partners of this campaign are associations or institutions in individual countries supporting this treatment method and bringing together doctors, pharmacists or even lay people.

The aim of the campaign is to acquaint the general public with the evidence in favor of homeopathy and to disprove the idea that it is ineffective, that it is just a placebo and that there are no studies in homeopathy. He thus wants to balance the unjustified negative attitude towards homeopathy. Evidence can be found here, for example: https://vedecke-dukazy.svethomeopatie.cz/