• 25/02/2023
  • By wizewebsite

I would omit meat, dairy products and white flour, says the lecturer<

When spring comes, everyone wants to cleanse. Doporučujete projít na jaře očistným procesem?Očistný jarní proces je z pohledu čínské medicíny založen na elementu dřeva, kdy vše směřuje vzhůru.Spring is typical of eating more green foods.Spring early vegetables, various types of shoots, sales, foods that germinate are the ideal source of fresh vitamins and minerals that the body requires after winter.I personally recommend mungo beans that are very tasty in any processing and at the same time are the smallest legume.Thus you do not feel hard after them as a lens or beans.Personally, I recommend my clients to relieve the food completely, focus on local and mostly green food.

Jaký je rozdíl mezi čínskou a západní dietetikou? Jak tomu máme rozumět?Čínský pohled na dietetiku a stravování je od toho západního malinko odlišný.Western views of food from the perspective of calories, hydrocarbons, vitamins and proteins.The Chinese diet system divides food from the perspective of taste, energy, direction of movement, general properties of food and effect on the human body.

Tips for spring body cleaning.It is not enough to adjust the diet when detoxifying

Jak tedy hodnotíme potraviny?Já se víc ztotožňuji s čínskou dietetikou, která stravu hodnotí primárně z pohledu pěti chutí a pěti energií potravin.Furthermore, the direction of food and its general properties and effect on the human body is important.In general, we focus on the common effect of food with regard to their taste.Any taste, whether sweet, hot, sour, salty or bitter, has a different effect on our body and its consumption is suitable in another season.

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A kdybychom měli říci, co není vhodné jíst teď na jaře?Teď na jaře bych se snažila vynechat maso, mléčné výrobky a bílou mouku.For some, this idea may be unrealistic, so I would like to draw attention to the alternatives of these foods.It is ideal to replace tofu meat, milk food products made of coconut, almonds or soya and white flour can be replaced by spelled or rye.

Doporučujete jíst podle ročních období?Já si nedokážu představit nejíst podle ročních období.For me and my surroundings it has been a certain habit since time immersion I don't even think about.Previously it was perfectly normal to eat and cook from local foods in a good time when they ripened without artificial lights and fertilizers.At the same time this style of eating corresponds to Chinese medicine.It is interesting that the Chinese do not have four seasons as we are used to, but they have five of them.Instead of classic four, they recognize as another period of "center in the element of Earth", which is basically our late Indian summer.

Jaké jsou ty povahy jídel podle ročních období?Na povahy potravin se mě ptá každý druhý klient.The nature of food is not related to the treatment and processing at all, but it is purely the energy that nature has given food.We solve the nature of meals to not hurt certain organs and to specifically alleviate certain reactions in our body.Let me give you an example: when someone has a really weakened spleen and eats mostly cold dishes, for example directly from the fridge, while sipping cold drinks with ice, over time they will create a dampness in the body.This artificially created moisture does not like spleen that does not like cold and moisture.The spleen is from the perspective of Chinese dietetics the most important body in our body and corrects all other organs.In addition, our spleen goes to bed at 6 pm, so we should have the last meal at six o'clock and then not eat.By late dinners we burden the spleen and no longer has the regenerative effects that our body requires.

Co se týče pálivých jídel, je dobré je jíst po celý rok?Pálivá jídla si nemohou dopřát úplně všichni.If someone has a health problem, whether it is inflammation, skin problems or digestive problems, it means nothing but the body in the body.Pores open with hot food and increase blood circulation in the body, that is, the body will burn even more and thus its problem grows and gets further into the body.A typical example is just acne, skin problems or eczema.If a person with skin problems eases spicy hot food, you can see a considerable deterioration of the skin within 24 hours - its problem.Eczema more itchy, the skin is red and acne more painful.

Spring detox?Do not be fooled, no need and health will not ensure you

Vynechala bych maso, mléčné výrobky a bílou mouku, říká lektorka stravování

A jak vy s tímto dovedete bojovat?Já osobně pomáhám svým klientům převážně úpravou stravování a naukou o dietetice jako takové.The health condition of each of us reflects what we receive into our body.Chinese dietetics have an excellent elastic eating plan to live in harmony and in health.Our diet should have ideally neutral character and foods that are other in nature and tastes, we should really consume depending on the seasons and individual problems.

Které potraviny stoprocentně nedoporučujete?Určitě bych opravdu vynechala tři věci, a to bílou mouku, maso a cukr.I mean the classic white sugar we all love so much.I would also like to put the ideal ratio of food composition that we should eat.Most of the diet should consist of cereals, which make up fifty to eighty percent, while cooked vegetables hold thirty to forty percent.Meat should not be eaten much, it should be represented by a maximum of five percent.The last five percent have been set aside for raw food, which includes mainly fruits and even some vegetables.

To je ten správný poměr?Takovýto poměr bychom měli dodržovat dle čínské dietetiky, abychom si udržovali svůj zdravotní stav v ideální harmonii – v normálu.

Vy sama jste vegankou nebo vegetariánkou?Ráda bych byla, ale bohužel nejsem.(laughs) I like meat, I recommend eating it twice a week.I always have it “as a reward”.I usually put it on the weekend when I cook for the whole family and have a lunch together.In my family must be in the menu incorporated meat, although not everyone requires it.For example, her eleven -year -old daughter does not have much meat, for which I am now happy.At home I often cook classic Czech meals, although I try to "healthier" variants.But for myself I cook as it suits me.So I fill my kitchen with cereals that I mix differently.I like a mix of several types of cereals, so for example I cook couscous, quina and tears together.Tear (Tearry) is not a well -known food, but I would recommend it to try it all.It is a gluten -free food that looks and tastes like hail and can be commonly purchased in a healthy diet.Its consumption has really great effects because, among other things, it downloads moisture from the body.My typical dish is that I mix three kinds of cereals together and always flavor them according to the season, whether steamed vegetables, steam or in the summer on the grill.

Bylo těžké se přeorientovat na zdravější stravu?Bylo to hodně těžké, ale zdravotní obtíže mě k tomu v podstatě přinutily.Most people accept eating models from parents who always wanted to give us tasty and "proper" food.I remember that at the weekend we all enjoyed a three -course lunch and even a double dinner.Unfortunately together with age, I started to have extensive health problems that he could not solve the "normal" doctor.After months of concerning hospitals without a result, I decided to visit the therapist of Chinese medicine.He has reset my menu to get rid of health problems naturally.Although it was a long -distance run, because I felt a really big change after such five six months, I would not change and I would not return to the previous lifestyle.

A co vás pak samotnou přivedlo na tuto cestu?Já jsem člověk, který když něčemu věří, tak to chce předávat dál.And that was one of the things I thought I just had to pass on.Food that we can influence all our health and never be too late to turn and go the right way.At the same time, I must say that everyone has to find out at a certain age.If someone used to tell me at the age of twenty I should eat the way I eat now, I wouldn't believe him.

Myslíte si, že jídlo léčí?Jídlo stoprocentně léčí.I am convinced of this on the basis of personal experience.After just four months I had firmer nails, my hair thickened and firmed, the digestive problems and the other problems I had gradually disappeared and I must say that I live much better.

Jaké jsou nejčastější problémy vašich klientů?Jsou to většinou kožní problémy, jako je lupénka, akné a ekzém.

A jak probíhá vyšetření u vás?Nejprve si musím s klientem sednout, popovídat si o jeho problémech a možných důvodech, které k nim vedou.I will make a questionnaire that is important to know the problem that can be hidden behind a rash.Then I will investigate pulsating diagnostics from my tongue and later assemble food directly and their ideal processing tailored individually for each.I also include a list of foods that are downright inappropriate to be instructed by the client what to avoid.

You have a daughter herself. Jak ji vedete ke správné stravě?Momentálně jsme ve stádiu, kdy je má jedenáctiletá dcera velice hubená.Was eating very little and badly.I was sorry that I like my mom I couldn't explain it to her.When you try to force someone to eat, rather the person will not eat.I visited with her another therapist who explained to her how her body (not) works and what it does to her physical and mental health because she suffered from some apathy, choleric rage and rebellion.At the moment there are a few weeks on a certain detox without meat, white flour and sugar, which were basically the only thing she had eaten before.It took her three days to get used to the new diet and at the same time realized that she felt better and that this was possible to make a way to eat.After a few days she started eating much more than before, she ceased to be apathetic and gained a kilo in three weeks.

Je to velice individuální a není žádný univerzální recept, ale komu by se toto téma zalíbilo, co byste doporučila? Čím je dobré se řídit?Určitě je dobré se řídit ročním obdobím a poslouchat, co potřebuje jeho tělo.It is logical that when I am cold, I will give myself a food that warms me up.On the contrary in the summer, when I am hot, I will give something that will cool me again.For example, in summer I recommend sipping mint tea because it has a cold nature.So although he is warm, our body will cool down.In the spring, in some detoxification, I recommend sipping nettle tea.Has excellent detoxifying effects.Warm or at least lukewarm spins appropriate to drink throughout the year.The spleen does not like ice, cold food and dairy products, we should try to eliminate from our diet.At the same time, the spleen likes regularity, so regular eating is the foundation.

What about alcohol?Everyone during the pandemic sip more. Tak v jaké míře?Alkohol není v malé míře zapovězenou potravinou.But he has his own rules.All types of alcohol promote heat in the body, start blood circulation and increase human temperature.For people who suffer from skin problems, inflammation and have great heat in the body, they only hurt themselves with alcohol because the warm nature of alcohol causes the burning of their acute problems.At the same time, I would like to add that a glass of wine or a glass of beer is a great matter that can help mentally.Have a evening with your partner a glass of wine for dinner is nothing wrong.But if we come to the fact that we have the urge to drink and drink more, we should solve another problem.There is no other organ and we can do another problem.