• 24/06/2022
  • By wizewebsite

On the ski slopes of South Moravia is charged: Schoolchildren are chasing last year's ski hunger<


Co mají společné Kajínek, Černý a Chodounský? Seriál oživil spojení18.1.2022 JanCharvátReportér Napište mi

Orange reflective vests.At the lifts of balanced lunches of schoolchildren.On skis or snowboards.Instructors in one round.Such a picture offered on Monday morning on the slope in Olešnice in Blansko.After last year's messed up season, which was ruined by the Epidemia of Koronavir, school ski courses will be fully.

Kliknutím zvětšíteSjezdovky v kraji zaplnili po roční pauze školáci.| Foto: se souhlasem Ski areál Olešnice

“The son is looking forward to the ski.He got a snowboard board plus shoes for Christmas, but he had to try them on the slope a week before Jesus.He wants to learn the basics at the course.We will go to the mountains during the spring holidays, so he wants to do something, ”said Šárka Kubíková from Adamov in Blansko.

According to ski slopes operators, there is a huge interest in school ski courses.They are charged in Olešnice for over a week.Hunger is considerable after a year's pause.

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“But we were worried about the epidemic and government regulations.They are regularly tested in schools and are not as strict as the elderly for the first level of children at first level up to twelve years.Even though the number of sick now, no one is disturbing anything in bulk.On the contrary, we had to confirm the orders due to the capacity of the slope to a reasonable extent, ”said the administrator of the Olešnice area Jiří Kotlán.

After a big thaw at the turn of the year and the last freezing days in Olešnice they snowed with technical snow.After miserable days, last weekend on the ski slope was again crowded.As in the neighboring Hodonín.

School courses are key

Luboš Žák, the president of the Ski Skii Veselí nad Moravou in the Hodonín region, spoke in a similar vein.There is a lot of interest in skiing teaching outside school courses.“It is full on weekends.Also on the first day after the restoration of the operation, ie on Friday, it was crowded, ”said the student.

On the lowest ski slope in the region, in Němčičky in the Břeclav region, school courses of skiing for the operation of the local ski lift are crucial.And there is a lot of interest in them.As a result, administrators do not have to shorten the opening hours for the public.

Pořídit si psa? Závazek na celý jeho život, říká vedoucí blanenského útulku

“As far as I know, only one school has so far signed up.At the first stage, this is easier to organize a ski course.They are not subject to PCR tests and other restrictions as older children.In addition, we do not have stay courses.The school will come in the morning and leave in the afternoon, ”Renata Podešťová responded.

Child Movement Missing

Na sjezdovkách jihu Moravy je nabito: školáci zahánějí loňský lyžařský hlad

In February, the first -level children from the elementary school in the column in Blansko are also preparing for ski training.There will be about forty.They will also sleep near the ski slope in Olešnice.

“We tested on Monday and no one was positive.Perhaps it will last.Children are very missing movement and you know it.In schools they could not practice, go swimming, canceled ski courses and a trip on rafts.Perhaps this year it will take place in peace, ”hopes Pavel Dočekal.

Kontroly v Boskovicích. Většina lidí nařízení vlády dodržuje, říkají policisté

Stricter regulations concern pupils and also students under eighteen.If they go to a weekly stay, a negative PCR test must have no older than 72 hours before starting it.Or be inoculated, or with a confirmation of the linked to coronavirus.

“It's a lot of lottery and we can't know what happens in a month.Some may be positive before leaving and the course will not be.Or the government regulation will change again.But we are going to do this with this risk.We want to make up for children what they lost.We are considering testing AG tests all week before Sunday's departure and on Friday we have a mass test.We can't do more for it, ”Dočekal concluded

Předplaťte si Deník.cz a čtěte vše bez limitu a omezení.Více zde.18.1.2022Diskuzesjezdovka,Olešnice,Morava,svah,okres Blansko,Vánoce,lyžování,Jarní prázdniny,Adamov

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