• 18/11/2022
  • By wizewebsite

What should the first year know before entering school today?At least these 7 basic skills<

If children know each other from kindergarten, it's not such a big jump for them.If not, prepare for concerns about how to bear with others.But you probably experienced the same feelings recently when you got into a new job.But how to prepare first graders?"In the words of the classic: reasonably," says psychologist Ivana Dlouhá.

What should the first year handle?

The child should look forward to school but also know that it will not walk through the pink orchard."You should give him great confidence and support him in the fact that school is a big thing.Will learn to write, read, count as you yourself.”The way he (not) will be satisfied in the coming months, but it depends mainly on whether he can handle these 7 basic skills:

  1. Měl by se umět sám o sebe postarat, mít základní sociální návyky (vysmrkat se, umýt se po WC).
  2. Měl by znávat autority.
  3. Musí se umět představit, znát svou adresu a jména rodičů.
  4. Musí umět pozdravit, poděkovat a o něco poprosit.
  5. Měl by umět zapnout knoflíky a zavázat tkaničky.
  6. Měl by mít rozvinutou jemnou motoriku (správně uchopit pastelku, tužku).
  7. Měl by mít rozvinutou i motoriku hrubou (běh, skok).

Prepare you too

Co by měl dnes prvňák umět před nástupem do školy? Aspoň těchhle 7 základních dovedností

But you should also prepare yourself, not only for the first festive day.According to a psychologist, you should be interested in every day what your little pupil experienced, how he was at school.

”A child must know that you really listen to him.You need to know what the teacher wants from him, how others treat him or how he is (or not) himself happy.”Can't it be just an obligatory question: Do you have done tasks?

"I have no idea, it would like to talk more to the child," says psychologist.”But if parents have the impression that their offspring is slightly different and needs to help and advice on how to participate in the team, it is definitely an expert.Whether in the counseling center or in the form of a teacher.”

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