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World celebrities Ethereal star Kolji Šuvadová refuses to eat other beings: Negative energy is stored in meat!<

Previous Next16. May 2021●18:49 Share:


Actress Silvia Šuvadová (48), whom Czech viewers will surely immediately remember as the seductive cellist in the film Kolja, is known for her quirky opinions. Now she has opened up on the topic of vegetarianism on the social network and explained to everyone in a very original way why she refuses to eat meat...

In recent years, the beautiful Slovak actress Silvia Šuvadová has appeared in the media because of all kinds of strange statements, rather than because of her more and more acting opportunities. This lady with incredibly blue eyes is profiled as a spiritualist who, for example, called the coronavirus pandemic a punishment from God.

This time she revealed on Instagram that she is a vegetarian and explained her reasons for refusing meat. After all, the fact that she can eat without any animal having to die because of her is said to be visible at first glance. "Many, even waiters, who know me, when I order food in a restaurant, somehow already assume that I don't eat meat," she revealed.

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"I used to eat meat, mostly chicken. Today, however, I don't eat meat at all. I think that every person gradually comes to the realization that eating living things might not be the right thing," believes the actress, who for a while sought her happiness behind a big puddle in America before her father's illness forced her to return to Slovakia.

"And if a person does not come to this knowledge by himself, sometimes he is pushed to it in a different way. Like my friend's son who refused to eat anything but meat. From my point of view, this kid is a pretty strong light, and the fact that he received a diagnosis that completely forced him to change his eating habits makes sense to me," he mused.

World celebrities Ethereal star Kolji Šuvadova refuses to eat other beings: Negative energy is stored in meat!

VIDEO: Czech brawler: Kolja

Video length: 07:52.44

Czech fighter: Kolja Videohub

She leaned roughly into all the carnivores as she reminded them that some living creature had to suffer greatly because of their overcooked steak on the plate. "Animals feel that someone can kill them, and that fear is stored in every meat. These negative immaterial energies must then be processed by our kidneys," Šuvadová reminded everyone.

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At the same time, however, he recognizes that there are those who cannot do without the vitamins contained in meat for health reasons. "My friend had to start eating meat because he was so in the clouds that he was already flying slowly. And some are going through hardships in life and meat seems to give them such animal strength to deal with things. Everyone has it differently. They say you are what you eat. It is also said that you become what you eat. So let everyone do as they see fit," she added in conclusion.

Photogallery38photographsSilvia ŠuvadováAuthor: Instagram

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vegetarian, actress, vegetarianism, Kolja, silvia šuvadová, Slovak actress

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