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The prenuptial agreement does not only address your property.Can also protect your partner<

14.July 2020PORADNA

Pre -marriage.What can contain and what should not be missing?Advice.Zuzana Zádrapová from the Paragraph Endowment Fund.

Lawyers recommend such a contract especially in cases where one partners are burdened eg.debts from the period before marriage.However, a prenuptial contract can be concluded several years after the marriage, but it is necessary to count on the fact that it does not pay retroactively but at the date of conclusion of the contract.

"Partners such a contract pays off mainly in a situation where one of them intends to embark on a risky business, credit or some financial transaction," says Zuzana Zádrapová in the counseling center.

Pre -marriage může řešit také např.Care for minors during the duration of marriage even after divorce or maintenance obligations.

Pre -marriage neřeší jen váš majetek. Ochránit může i vašeho partnera

„Pre -marriage musí být vždy sepsána u notáře, musí to být forma veřejné listiny, tedy notářského zápisu.Which means that in the finals the notary must always come, but of course if the client comes to us in a law firm, we are able to discuss the matter with him and outline individual solutions, ”says Zuzana Zádrapová at the radio counseling center Zádrapová.

autor:Ivana Šuláková SdíletSpustit audioJak nás naladíte na DABu

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