• 04/07/2022
  • By wizewebsite

GLOSA: Superdebata in Nova has been successful, Babis had the upper hand, Bartoš in the defensive<

Problémem všech letošních „superdebat“ bylo, že se s nimi doslova roztrhl pytel. Superdebaty měly jednotlivé televize, zpravodajské portály, rádia. Běžný divák se v nabídce různých diskuzí mohl postupně ztrácet. Do budoucna by to chtělo s termíny „superdebata“ šetřit, protože méně znamená od určitého okamžiku více.

V decentním aranžmá předvolebního studia bylo vidět, že na výběru obleku a kravaty si dali záležet především Andrej Babiš a Petr Fiala. Patřičně vystajlovaný byl i moderátor Rey Koranteng. Všichni tři zvolili pro daný večer velice dobře.První debatu vedla Bára Divišová, která se v září stala moderátorkou Střepin a hosty byli zástupci KSČM, ČSSD, SPD a hnutí Přísaha. I ona si počínala velmi věcně a kultivovaně.

Moderators of Nova Hát Sassmann (left), Rey Koranteng and Bára Divišová

Moderátor Koranteng začal zostra a hned v úvodu položil všem třem kandidátům nepříjemné otázky na tělo. Andreje Babiše se zeptal, jestli si je vědom toho, že českou politiku zatěžuje a zda by nebylo nejlepší, kdyby odešel do ústraní a odblokoval napětí mezi stranami. Nepříjemnou otázku musel řešit i Fiala. Musel reagovat, zda ho na premiérskou funkci nediskvalifikuje dlouhodobě nízká popularita a důvěra u voličů.

Ivan Bartoš was in turn asked about the magnitude of Migration and the statements of Muslim Europe.He was supposed to explain to the audience why he became a rejection.The warm -up bike was all three with relative calm.

This was followed by more than an hourly discussion devoted to the key topics that the Czechia lives.

How did individual leaders do in the debate?

Podcast Koukalová & Konečný: Už jsme z toho také Matylda. A nelžete, i vám se líbil Okamura

Petr Konečný

Babis had the upper hand and determined the pace

Glosa: Superdebata na Nově se povedla, Babiš měl navrch, Bartoš v defenzivě

The current premiere must be tired that much of the media outputs must devote a long -term explanation of their cases.This was certainly the tactics of opposition coalitions in the campaign: Tired Babiš with constant explanation of the affairs, so that he has a minimum of time for what voters are really interested in.Superdebata in Nova, a hundred times to the charts associated with the Prime Minister, devoted marginally, so the viewer had no reason to switch.

Babiš came out the basic tactics not to be provoked.He argued, as far as possible, in fact and demonstrated essential claims with specific numbers.Babiš worked in economic issues and had most of the time over both competitors on top.At the same time, he managed to keep the pace of discussion and focus on questions in which he is the strongest.Babiš did well at the very end: he spoke of himself, not about others and did not go into negation.He wanted to impress as a candidate for the Prime Minister for the turbulent times that the Czechia has in front of him.

Communist Vojtěch surprised: For a debate in a luxury Báve and in a stylish suit!

Tomio Okamura

Fiala spilled with living water surprised

While Petr Fiala did not dazzle much in the debates of competing TV, he worked as a spilled living water in the election finals on TV Nova.His rival Andrej Babiš repeatedly called him a decent person, who is not suitable for the post of prime minister.Fiala has not been very able to define and convince voters to the opposite of the campaign.In the last discussion he managed to perform more energetic, but the move on the goal and the ability to burn on the opponent and some proper rhetorical firejtli had to come earlier.From Babiš, the chairman of the ODS correctly learned that he has prepared graphs for fundamental questions and occupies the numbers.

Commentary: Babiš stiffened, Fiala instructed.Electoral Pat can eventually combine them

Andrej Babiš

Bartoš worked defensive

Frames from new ideologies, pirate program and "antibabish" program.All this was built by Ivan Bartoš.Although Bartoš is more opinion and ideologically profiled than Fiala in relation to the current prime minister, he worked in the debate all the time like the "third back".

His performance was rather a rhetorical exercise that raises questions with voters: What do the Pirates want?What did they retreat from and what they still promote?The problem of Ivan Bartoš is that little talks about himself, but pays great attention to others.The undecided voter wants to hear more than personal criticism and more general concepts of the pirate program.

Bartoš has not basically said any specific measures with the quantified impact on people on any topic.Rather, there was nothing much saying that "the economy will grow when people will know exactly how many years they have to retire", or "let's give a chance to digitize, because in Estonia it saved 3 % of GDP".

Bartoš seems to have lost energy in the campaign's end and especially in the second part of the debate was quite defensive.Here it can be noted that even though Bartoš's coalition sparringpartner Vít Austrian jumped into several debates as a substitute, he worked more convincingly.

The conclusion of the debate was diversified by the medallions of the wives of all three candidates.Certainly a better idea and revival than a trap named Matilda, who could enjoy the spectators a day earlier.

The election debate of three leaders with the highest preferences in TV Nova

Moderator Koranteng did it well

Superdebata The biggest commercial television was successful.Moderator Koranteng chose weaker moments rather in its introduction, then let the politicians speak and the discussion was given a charge.His questions did not look unnecessarily or detached from reality as in some other debates.If he entered the polemics between politicians, in the way and when it fit.So does it as professionally

The pre -election discussion final is not a press conference or a party.Candidates for the Prime Minister do not fit in the lecture hall and are not students.The voter certainly wants to see politicians in boiling with all the trimmings.This time it was successful this time.