• 04/07/2022
  • By wizewebsite

The merciful summer deleted debts for tens of millions.Who came in handy and who did not reach the aid? If (Typeof Cabriost == "Function") Cabriost (796988, "");<

Forty -year -old single parent Jan of Brno wanted to join in the merciful summer.Although she has paid almost a million crowns to executors over the last nine years, more than 1.3 million remains.These are debts of 2006 and older.

“These are things from youth.I have been repaid.However, the largest item is owed rent for a municipal apartment, about 130 thousand crowns, which due to interest and fees grew with accessories to more than a million.I let my friends live there and I didn't care if it was true, ”says Jana.

It belongs to a group of people for whom merciful summer was ideal: it works legally and has a decent salary, from which it regularly sends bailiffs between five and nine thousand crowns every month.The child's father does not apply alimony.The woman does not even receive any benefits because she is not entitled to them due to the amount of salary.If she had no opportunity to relax, she would repay the giant amount until retirement and would never be able to get rid of the debt.

But it wasn't done even now.Although her bailiff worked, she lost two weeks out of three months due to Covidem-19 diseases.And when she finally got a friend who was willing to borrow her 130,000 to repay the principal, it turned out that

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