• 31/07/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Royal Love: The perfect couple William and Kate.Really?<


They got to know the university and took a while to become partners to become partners.Today they are partners and friends.And belongs to the most popular couples of the royal family.Have everything, from every royal couple something.

Today, Prince William 39 celebrates.birthday.His loving wife Kate (39) and their three children will surely prepare him a wonderful celebration.And you come with us to take a closer look at the next royal love.

Kate a William slaví hliněnou svatbu. Málem si ano neřekli!

Manželské top momenty? William s Kate slaví 10 let od svatby

2001–2005: Higher School Love

The older son of Prince Charles (72) and Princess Diana († 36) took a so -called high school after high school as many young British.Gap Year (annual break in the studio) and then joined the University of St..Andrews in Scotland where he studied art history and then geography. Stejnou školu navštěvovala i dívka z neurozené rodiny Middletonů – Kate.

The smiling brunette first enchanted the successor to the British throne during the charity fashion show, became friends, roommates and eventually fell in love with each other.

2007: Problems in Paradise

Poprvé se spolu objevili jako pár během lyžařské dovolené v roce 2004 a o rok později spolu slavili konec školy.In 2006 they had the first official public "performance" and seemed to be happier.But university carefree was exchanged for adult reality and clouds began to appear over the paradise...

There was little time in common, William served in the army and even leisure to the boys from the regiment than with his dear.They even broke up in 2007.All the time, Kate had to face a truly intense and unpleasant interest of the boulevard, which called her unflattering nickname Waity Katie, something like Kačka - Pripot or chicory Kate.Twenty -year -old girl hardly experienced for her own, what does it mean when the boulevard wants to smls at all costs. A rozhodně měla s médii a zájmem veřejnosti méně zkušeností, než například partnerka prince Harryho Meghan (39).

But the prince eventually clarified the priorities and after a few months renewed the relationship.

2010: Engagement

Královské lásky: Dokonalý pár William a Kate. Opravdu?

O pár let později se princ rozhodl, že je čas posunout jejich vztah dál a naplánoval romantické zásnuby na dovolené v Keni.He put on his chosen ring on his mother and began to plan a merry.

2011: The wedding of the century

Their wedding experienced all Britain and was watched by millions of people.All of them wondered who would be among the guests, what dress the bride would choose and if there would be some faux pas.Someone was impressed when Prince Harry (36) as a witness whispered to William who stood at the walking bride's back that she looks beautiful. Jiní se zaměřili na zadek Katiny svědkyně, její sestry Pippy (37).

2013-2018: The family is expanding

Dnes jsou pětičlenná rodina a ač mají samozřejmě k dispozici chůvy, snaží se s Georgem (7), Charlotte (6) a Louisem (3) trávit maximum času.The last year helped them enough because they did not concern foreign business trips.

Kate is known to enjoy taking pictures of their family, cooking with children and trying to give them the most common childhood as possible.And when they behave like children and turn the tongue to photographers?Laughs.

2019-2021: Their bond is stronger

Co zásadního se dělo v posledních letech? Vyvažovali bouřku kolem Harryho a Meghan, podporovali zdravotníky v první linii boje proti covid-19, online komunikovali jak pracovně, tak i s rodinou, a dětem nahradili učitele.The submarine did not occur, strengthened the bond as partners and the work team.

The perfect royal couple?

Sometimes it looks like they're flawless.Experts on body language who like to explore the behavior of royal in public, say we will not receive the scandal from this couple.They love each other deeply and can walk in royal shoes.They got married from great love and share the same values and sense of humor.The katin is said to be a little naughty.

They understand their role and what their role to the public is.During the fulfillment of work duties are relaxed, smiling, cool.Do not in public dirty laundry and do not give controversial interviews.Of course, they have areas they do and where they help but honor the rule of the royal family personal opinions and views of political or social issues do not ventilate.

Their relationship works because they are equal partners.And Katina's family is as important as the William's.Who in the past came out or married among the royal, was often cut off.A different family than the Windsor's one as if it did not exist.This did not happen in their case.

And although Kate does not come from a noble aristocratic environment, it seems as if she was born for life at the courtyard. Už před svatbou věděla, co život královských obnáší, a aby si byla ještě jistější, zajistila pro ni královna Alžběta (95) „školení“.Kate learned such small things as an elegant performance from the car.In addition, she became a champion in how to dress and honor the protocol and pay for the fashion icon. A tou rozhodně během dospívání nebyla.

Královské lásky: Alžběta II. a Philip

Výročí Meghan a Harryho. Když si královští berou neurozené

A few weeks ago, William's grandfather, beloved Prince Philip († 99), who was a respected family head, mourned.And he once after William and Kate got together after a short breakup, said the queen:." Wise man.

What is the royal love of Princess Eugenie and her Jack?
