• 28/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Shut up, you're an asshole!Quarrels raged in the exchange, the surrogate husband fell down<

To Luke and his sixteen -month -old daughter Natalia moved into a three -room apartment for ten days, a vigorous and confident Lucie (40).She and her current partner Martin (51) are raised in a house in Nový Bor in common twenty -month -old daughter Marta and her 16 -year -old son Lukáš.

Rather chase away than to cheat

Lucie wanted to relax from care for her little daughter, but Malá Natálka was not the main reason for the quarrels in Přerov.Her advice not to sleep with a frenetic tremor in her arms, but rather outside in a stroller, or not to shout in front of her, they were well meant, but Luke was sucking.He did not reach for family customs and defended them loudly.

When Luke, who works in construction, to work, was calm, and Lucie managed her role with an overview, but as soon as my father returned, Malá Natálka immediately began to cry until he held it in his arms.Luke already came angry with work and even at home had no peace of mind.

"Furt has some problem and unnecessarily digs into me, deliberately allusions, probably to provoke me," he explained to the camera.So the "drastic" did not even expect Lucie.”If he is wrong after yesterday of booze, he should not booze.Is angry and transmits it to us.”

The next day Luke took off from work off.”I didn't like certain things here, so we'll clarify them. Udělám snídani, kávu, malé ohřeju párky, jestli tu ještě nějaké jsou, a malé koupím ještě nějaké oblečení,” svěřil se se svým plánem poté, co Lucie zkritizovala Natálčino oblečení, které je podle ní zaprané.

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„Malá se nemá špatně,” bránil svou domácnost, ale Lucie si poslední slovo vzít nenechala.”I didn't say anything like that.” Ani Lukáš se nevzdal: „Neviděl jsem tě za tři dny čistit Natálce zoubky,” zaútočil odjinud."I asked and said that little teeth do not clean your teeth.”

„Nic takového jsem neřekl,” odsekl náhradní manžel a Lucie utrousila, že si to asi nepamatuje, jak byl opilý.Luke added that she was supposed to cook a girl soup, but instead she went for a beer. „Nic, žádná hospoda, o malou se postarám sám,” vyskakoval jako čertík z krabičky.

”He's confused, doing and saying fifth through ninth, she will go back to work tomorrow and there will be peace.That we have a happy relationship with Martin at home and that we are not arguing, it does not believe me. Přitom oni dva s Míšou se navzájem podvedli a nevěří si,” vylíčila, co se dozvěděla mimo záznam, a Lukáš kontroval: „Hlavně že tě nepodvádí, ale raději si jde vyhonit někam šulina.”

The shootout ended by admitting Lucie that she had no appetite for sex and explained that she was nice from Martin, that she understood her and didn't cheat."It's not emotional cooling, we make love but I have no taste for sex.We are not ashamed of it, it is still better if it staples than if he cheated me like Luke cheats Michal.”

Sits, booze and smokes

In Přerov perhaps there was no topic that would not cause a quarrel or at least a sharper exchange.Both of them competed in who would buy little Natálek better clothes and who will command the other, as they both are used to in their relationships with Misha and Martin.

"She said she would rather go to the city.She pissed me off, while I wanted to take her there today.She took the baby out but did not take from home toy.He keeps going to our family, he wants to change something, but she should think about herself.I would like her to break up her family.She is a general at home and he jumps as she whistles. A jestli mu dělá doma takové nášupy jako mně tady, tak se ani nedivím, že spolu nemají sex,” chrlil ze sebe chaoticky své pocity a překvapeně přiznal, že se celý den stará o jedno dítě a má toho plné zuby.

After all in the garden pub at the beer, the calm of weapons, but to Lucia's surprise, after the third Lukáš's beer did not stand.Just for the audience Luke suddenly decided to test Lucka."On purpose, what will last and when he will sit with beer when the little one is to be long after meals, bathed and at seven to go to sleep.Is nine, and nothing happens.Sits, booze and smokes.My wife would have gone home long ago just because of the little one.”

Drž hubu, jsi debil! Ve Výměně zuřily hádky, náhradní manžel se sesypal

The quarrel then came on the way home: ”Why did you not notice the little one when I played with her?I will let everything like you all the time.”

„Co můžu dělat, když začne brečet, kdykoliv se objevíš? Tak ať nechodí domů a my si budeme hrát,” prohodila pro kamery, ale Lukáš to slyšel.”Should I sleep in front of the house?Don't pay everything against me!Change your daughter and keep me. Zítra si při změně velení napiš seznam jakej chceš,” vztekal se a Lucie mu řekla, že po něm nic nechce. „Seš takovej debil! Tyranizuješ tu holku, ona brečí jenom kvůli tobě,” prohlásila a stručně vysvětlila průběh dne.”He's beaten, he came out of work cool, puts three beers and is completely shocked. Já jsem tě prosila, abys byl normálně v práci, žárlivej blbeček jeden,” nebrala si před kamerami servítky.

Luke looked desperate, even crying and decided that Natálka would no longer be in Lucie and that although he had to work the next day, he would rather leave her with his grandfather.

„Nevím, co mám dělat,” zoufala si Lucie.”I'm sure I won't let him be humiliated by him, I'm not used to it, but it's really a psychopath and I'm surprised that he is still with him at all.”

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"You were so us yesterday..la!” Pokračovala hádka druhý den ráno.Lucie objected that if someone yelled in front of her Martička, she would cry, but Natálka obviously does not mind."She's probably used to, she's happy.Maybe you roar her to sleep instead of a fairy tale.The rabbit has chewed their cables, little plays with it and they don't even mind...So already get out to clean up. Dosvidanja,” semlela co jí slina na jazyk přinesla a rozloučila se s Lukášem.

I will not let go of..

Even after five days, the change of command in the household did not take peace.On the contrary. „Když už musíš Natálku nosit na rukou, tak s ní tak šíleně neházej,” vybídla Lucka Lukáše, ale ten zas zuřil: „To jsou debilní kecy toto, já si na sebe tady přece nenechám kydat hov..,” rozčiloval se a tahal zas „špínu” na Lucii, ale diváci z toho moudří nebyli. „Uvaříš malé pořádnou polívku z čerstvé zeleniny, a ne tu čínskou z pytlíku, kterou jsi koupil,” poroučela Lucie.

"That's my soup, I'm eating that, so the chip.I told you you should cook Natálka and not make sauce that can't do in the pi..to eat, you did not fulfill anything from the manual...”

"Please hold one day a mouth so I don't have to listen to your bullshit.And in front of Natálka, please don't shout.” vedli nekončící spory...Until Luke no longer withstands and announced that the exchange is over prematurely.

„Uvědomil jsem si, jak to se mnou měla Míša poslední půlrok těžké a mám strach, že se mi nevrátí,” plakal. „Chci, aby pochopila, co pro mě znamená,” řekl a divákům došlo, že za vším stojí jeho zřejmě až chorobná žárlivost.

„Naše rodina fungovala dobře, nic bych měnit nechtěla, budu si jich ještě víc vážit než doteď,” oznámila na závěr Lucie.”Before having such a psycho at home, I would rather be alone. Martina jsem trošku zanedbávala, to skončí, máš se na co těšit, chlape!” vzkázala domů.

Without Lucky I would be a jerk

Lukáš's wife Míša (26), however.From the point of view of the spare husband, she was not as vigorous, decisive, action and independent as his wife, but all the more Martin had to get involved.Michaela explained that at home is the one who is watching and thinking of everything, her partner Lukáš.

„Martin je klidnej, člověk mu něco řekne a on neremcá a prostě to udělá, asi si ho Lucka hodně vycvičila,” zjistila Míša a Martin souhlasně přitakával."She calmed me a lot and I'm glad for that because I would be the same jerk as before.I would make trouble so I am very grateful for that.”

Otherwise everything in the house treaded according to the manual.Martin and Lucka's sixteen -year -old son and Misha cleaned the garage, painted the hallway, Luke cleaned his room as Misha wished...and the sudden end of them all surprised. „Co se tam asi stalo?” spekulovali.”Even if the exchange ended with Lucky, I won't stop loving her. Jsem rád, že je, jaká je,” přemýšlel nahlas Martin.

We will visit the Counseling Center, I will be healing

Immediately the final meeting of both couples fell a logical question: Why did you end it?

„Ukončil jsem to já, psychicky jsem to nezvládl, úplně jsem se zhroutil,” přiznal Lukáš a na Martinův dotaz, co vlastně nezvládl, odpověděl: „Tebe, Míšo.Grinding, jealousy.”

„Proč žárlí? Má k tomu nějaký důvod?” zeptala se Lucie a vyšlo najevo, že ačkoli je pár spolu už jedenáct let, stále řeší to, co se stalo před osmi lety, kdy se oba podvedli s někým jiným.

"She slept with my buddy. Víš, jak jsi mi ublížila?” Sžíraly Lukáše emoce.

“So break up with her!Than to worry for eight years. Kolik ti je? Ještě 50 let s ní budeš žít ve stresu z toho, co udělala?” poradil mu Martin, ale Lukáš opáčil, že „to nejde”.

„Řekli jsme si tehdy, že to zvládneme,” přidala se Míša.

"But I couldn't handle it without you now, I completely spilled. První, co udělám, je, že navštívíme manželskou poradnu, a udělám všechno proto, abych šel k psychiatrovi, ať se toho konečně zbavím, protože já o tebe nechci přijít,” dušoval se Lukáš a Míša dodala, že ona o něj taky ne. „Hlavně, jestli to dodržíš,” dodala.

Lucie promised her family that she would no longer be as vigorous and strict as she was, and Luke again to do his best to make a relationship with Misha again.