• 21/11/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Konec éry Angely Merkelové. Proslula jako pragmatická krizová manažerka, ale ne vizionářka<

“You should listen to others, even if its perception of the world is completely differentiated than your.After all, if we did not listen to each other, we would never find any solutions.“Even these words were heard in a balanced interview for German Television Deutsche Welle, in which Angela Merkel evaluated her work as a Federal Chancellor.

Former Chief of the Christian Social Union (CDU), which led for 18 years (2000–2018), now passes the Chancellor's reins to the hands of the Social Democrat Olaf Scholz.After four Chancellor's mandates and 16 years of Germany, the "era of Angela Merkel" ends.

Unlike a number of other politicians, the office leaves when they still enjoy extraordinary popularity.According to journalist and political scientist Bára Procházková, she gained the trust of many Germans just as it is - calm and stable.

“She is a balanced woman, she has no scandals, can extinguish problems, can solve crises, is pragmatic, patient.To sum up, it has a slightly different style of politics than male colleagues, ”said Vinohradská 12 in the September interview in Podcast Vinohradská.It is also considered to be trustworthy by those who do not choose it.

Konec éry Angely Merkelové.
Proslula jako pragmatická krizová manažerka, ale ne vizionářka

The politician known for her peaceful behavior and the typical gesture of the joined fingers into the diamond is also described as an “anchor of stability” by an expert in Germany from the Institute of International Relations (ITV) Jakub Eberle.

“I think her popularity is based on the fact that she has been able to create a certain feeling of stability and safety at a time that at least last ten years is stable and safe.She was able to sell to the Germans the idea that things like climate change, the threat of the breakdown of the euro area to the migration crisis, but Germany can do it without having to change fundamentally.This is the core of her success.Its main political method is then a pragmatic solution of partial, achievable things, ”says Irozhlas for iRozhlas.cz.

But a sense of security, according to an analyst of the Institute of International Relations, goes a bit of a debt.Angela Merkel proved to be a politician who can solve disputes, but he already "does not see the corner".Problems that Germany postponed for its reign will have to deal with its successors.As a pragmatic crisis manager, but certainly not a visionary, it is evaluated by other observers and media, including the British BBC.

What was the era of Angela Merkel and what the outgoing Chancellor leaves behind is showing the eight greatest moments of her career, which she enrolled in history - not only German but also the European and international.