• 03/04/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Trot: I was cruel to women, I had to tame the stallions. Helping around the house is sexy<

On your new album, you have the song Enlightened, in which you humorously summarize how your opponents perceive you: "He thinks he's a savior, he doesn't have all five together, he walks in the garden at home completely barefoot..." You've always been able to accept your alternative lifestyle with such insight?

I totally understand that when I started meditating, I may have seemed crazy to a lot of people. I found that meditation was good for my mind, and when someone asked me why I seemed so happy all of a sudden, I told them about my spiritual journey. But the tabloids caught on, and a few fantastic articles were enough to turn me into a guru who preaches to others how to live. Then no one will put this label on you anymore, you have to put up with it. You can only get rid of it by talking to people who perceive you that way, and either you refute it or you don't. Many of them are surprised when they meet in person. I often hear the phrase: "You're completely normal!"

I have never been as cool as people say about me. When you come to my house, you will find that my wife and I do not live in the forest and pick berries. We also like the achievements of modern times and enjoy Central European luxury. We just don't want to take too much from it, because the inhabitants of Western civilization generally live beyond their means. Few of us, for example, keep track of where certain goods come to us and where the things we throw away go. At least we as a woman try to do that, and understandably it upsets some people, so they feel the need to make fun of us. But I can also make fun of myself. After all, humor is the best medicine for hurt and for sobering up.

You embarked on your spiritual journey ten years ago, when you went to India with guitarist Jiří Kučerovský. Have you not sought faith until then?

Because I lost my sister at the age of eight and my father at the age of ten, I was confronted with the question of faith relatively early. I had to ask where my sister and dad had gone and what my relationship was to that place. I remember having conversations with God at that time. I didn't expect answers, nor did I feel abandoned or betrayed by life, I was just curious. But then the whole thing was drowned out by sport. I started working out, working like a machine, for which I was happy. The coaches replaced my dad, thanks to them I had a firm hand in life. Yet the desire for knowledge and contact with spirit remained in me.

Then I stopped playing sports, instead I started doing theater and playing in bars. During various drinks and philosophical debates until the early hours of the morning, I began to encounter spirituality again. Culturally active people quite often look for solutions either in alcohol or in faith. And the best thing is when both are combined, then a person is truly wise. Then when I went to India, I saw a mosque, a church, a Hindu ashram and a Buddhist temple. Different religious communities live side by side there and the whole society is permeated by faith, which I liked tremendously.

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So I became interested again in the teachings that the wise prophets left behind here. First I read the Bible and fell in love with St. Augustine, then I rediscovered the East and went through a long period of Shaivism (a form of Hinduism that focuses exclusively on the god Shiva - editor's note). I wandered between the various teachings and found that the only differences were the symbols that the believers accepted. The code of ethics is the same across all religions. At one point I therefore tried to combine them, but I realized that it was not possible, that I was not a prophet to bribe my own from them.

Finally you settled on Buddhism.

Yes, because even though the figure of Jesus Christ has always been essential for me, I have a problem identifying with some positions and dogmas of the church. Buddhism won out for me because it gives a person a training plan, which is close to my heart as a former athlete. It is not a religion, but a guide to working with the mind. He tells you that if you practice this and that exercise every day for five years, you can take your mind to a higher level.

You recently had a life-size Buddha statue brought to your garden. Does it help you stick to a training plan?

Well sure. Whether one professes Buddhism, Islam, or Christianity, one should approach any depiction of an enlightened being as a real Buddha, Muhammad, or Jesus. The Buddha statue thus keeps me awake to follow the recommendations that Buddhism gives me. It is a beacon, thanks to which I can better avoid gossiping or lying. As part of my practice, for example, I also walk in the garden, try to be aware of my breath or the purity of the air, and it helps me to keep a Buddha statue in my eyes.

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So he doesn't just fulfill the function of a garden gnome.

No, it's really not just an aesthetic matter.

But meditation needs its time. Can you really find it every day?

Klus: I was cruel to women, i had to tame the stallion. Helping around the house is sexy

Yes, I'm used to drills from sports. By taking the children to school in the morning and then going to work so that I can take care of them again in the afternoon, I have to catch up on my Buddhist practice in the morning. So at the moment I get up at five, so that I can meditate for at least three quarters of an hour and then do various exercises and bows, which, by the way, are also good for the physique. I also recite prayers which consist in the fact that one activates one's mind for altruism. He desires that all sentient beings across all realms of existence be freed from pain and suffering.

When I set my mind in this direction right in the morning and then I go to the garden to let the chickens out, then all day long I am aware of all the life around me, which is our greatest gift. Meeting other people suddenly takes on completely different dimensions, because I take each of them as a source of inspiration. In every contact, I try to defend myself against all judgments, whisperers of the monkey mind, which would tell me about you, for example: "Look, he has glasses, he must be an intellectual." For me, the whole day becomes a spiritual exercise, which can give the impression that a person only cares about his mind. But our mind is a contact organ with external reality, so when you control it and catch the thoughts that creep into it, your behavior towards the environment can be much cleaner. But of course it's hard as hell.

"Not having children is the most ecological solution, because humans are the biggest burden on our planet. But I wouldn't be able to handle this option, because I love children." | Photo: Václav Vašků

You shared a photo on Instagram of your daughters playing with Buddha. Do you also lead children to faith?

No, I let it run its course. I recently had a discussion with my Catholic friends about infant baptism and I believe that baptism should be voluntary. After all, a person cannot tell anyone else what to believe. Faith is such an intimate matter that each individual should choose it for himself. Of course, it somehow affects my children when we have a Buddha in the garden. But I certainly don't tell them to go bow down to him. Once they decide to be Satanists, they will be Satanists.

In another new song called Fí, you sing: "What about our children? What will they inherit from us? Air, water, soil, everything soaked in poisons." Do you admit to worrying about what kind of world the daughters Jenovéf and Josefína and son Alfréd will one day live in? Some time ago there was a lot of talk about anti-natalists who even decided to be childless because of climate change.

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Not having children is of course the most ecological solution, because humans are the biggest burden on our planet. But I probably wouldn't be able to handle this option, because I love children. At the same time, I think that if we do not intervene more decisively in the issue of climate change, there will be more places on the planet that will become uninhabitable, and the refugee crisis will increase hand in hand with this. Today, people show off their photos from the Maldives on Instagram, but few of them share an article about the fact that in fifteen years no one will go to the Maldives because it will disappear under water.

If the communication of this topic does not become a trend, it does not bode well for our society, and in fact we deserve nothing but a great disaster. But I'm an optimist. I believe that the generation of the Fridays for Future movement is well aware of this threat to the future and that my generation and the generation of our parents are also slowly becoming immune to it.

But at the same time, many people do not find a vision for how to solve the climate crisis.

Yes, but that vision exists and is held by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Many people find his solution naive and impractical. In my opinion, on the contrary, it is the only possible one. Because to switch to renewable energy sources, convert our factories to sustainable mode, rebuild our infrastructures and so on, we need huge amounts of money. And we could find that money in an industry that is imbued with a huge amount of lobbying and also malice - in the arms industry. We need to stop arming and invest in life instead, because one annual budget for the global development and production of new weapons could go a long way towards solving the climate crisis. The money is here, we just need to clarify our priorities and I am convinced that most of us want the same thing - to live together in harmony.

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Do you talk about climate change with your children?

I'm trying. Tamara and I helped a lot in this when we moved to Mníšek pod Brdy, where we have a garden with an orchard, and the children can see with their own eyes that an apple is the result of a year-round ripening process on a tree, that it does not grow on a shelf somewhere. Or we have a well in the garden, and the children can witness that the well can dry up, which happened in the crazy heat two years ago. The children noticed this, asked what happened, and we were able to explain the global warming process to them using a concrete example. Thanks to this, they now save water on their own, because they no longer see it as just a raw material that cleanses them and quenches their thirst, but as a living organism from which they themselves are created. Of course, we don't sit down with the children for statistics about how the melting of the glaciers in Antarctica is getting worse. But you can give them any information through the game.

When a person scrolls through your social media photos, it's easy to get the feeling that you must be the best dad in the world. But can you think of times when you didn't quite manage your role as a parent?

My kids really have the best dad in the world, as do all kids, because every dad is the best when he wants to be, when he embraces his role as a father. But at the same time, the right dad must recognize the unique position of the woman next to him. Mothers were burdened with too many responsibilities, and men who understood this and began to help them more in the household gained enormous family happiness. Even though they might have been a bit of a laugh to their friends at first, paradoxically it turned out that this is where the really sexy boyhood lies.

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Of course, I have dozens of moments when I made mistakes as a parent. But I try to approach my children as beings with whom I am in the same boat. My wife and I don't play tricks on them, we don't think that children shouldn't receive true information and they should rather not be told something at all. I myself was exposed several times to a situation where I did not know how to behave as a father, and I decided to admit it to my children. The moment they did something wrong, I told them that even though I'm an adult, I don't know what to say to them, so let them help me with it and imagine what they would do themselves in my place. In the end, it was a good way out because they accepted my honesty and creatively got involved in solving the problem.

This is not to say that children should not respect their parents. At the same time, he must know that a parent is also just a person who often makes mistakes in his life. And that therefore they will also make mistakes, but if they are able to reflect on them and apologize for them, they will be able to forgive at the same time. For me, the most important thing is that we do not lose mutual trust with the children. I want them to not be afraid to come to me even when they make the biggest mess of their lives. And to be able to look them in the eyes despite my mistakes.

Tomáš Klus (35)

It follows from this that traditional Czech education with a firm hand is not quite your style.

Neither Tamara nor I are supporters of free education without any rules, because children need boundaries. They should know where they can go, but at the same time we don't stand over them with a machine gun and slap them whenever they cross the set limit. It is enough to point them out consistently. Because I believe in karma, so I am convinced that every blow, whether physical or psychological, will be returned to the parents. Any violence will eventually take its toll on the most valuable thing we have - the relationship. Note that people who are happy tend to be happy regardless of whether they are movable or immovable. Whether they are rich or poor, having clean relationships makes them happy. They are satisfied in their relationships with their partners, children and friends.

If, on the other hand, you instill fog in your relationships with those closest to you, you are stepping on your own happiness. That's why I'd rather spend two hours longer with the children in some semi-pathetic discussion than to solve the problem with a "facelift". I want to raise emotionally strong individuals from them who will trust their surroundings and themselves. Healthy self-esteem does not lie in winning math Olympiads or being the fastest in the hundred-meter dash, but in building healthy relationships around them.

You touched on the topic of relationships with women. I can imagine that musicians, in their bohemian life, may not be the most responsible husbands who help their partners around the house.

I had it easy because I grew up with my mother and grandmother. So it's natural for me to help women since I was a child. I realize that I have muscles to wear them on my hands, because women in turn teach me to feel and perceive things that the brute male energy sometimes ignores. Equality between men and women is, in my opinion, one of the most important things we should do as a human being. Not based on quotas, but by making men realize what women can do. I can't imagine menstruating every month or giving birth to a baby and still functioning normally. At the same time, society takes it for granted. This ability of self-sacrifice without expectation of appreciation is what men should learn from women.

Guys who have been at the birth often understand this. They realize what kind of boyfriends they have at home. By bringing new life into the world themselves, women also have a much greater respect for life. That is why, in my opinion, there should be as many women as possible in politics, especially at the present time, when various conflicts are escalating. I believe that when women get into high politics, wars will start to recede. On the other hand, I am not a supporter of Circle the Woman initiatives. My wife and I did not agree on this at all. I told her that it is not good to circle a woman just because she is a woman. That's insulting even to her abilities. Let's give women the space to do the same thing as men, but let's not elect them into politics just because they are women.

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In an interview with Reporter magazine two years ago, you admitted that when you started dating your partner Tamara, a strong relationship was a new experience for you. Until then, according to your words, you were used to "taking girls from concerts to your house". I suppose you must have fundamentally changed your approach to women.

First of all, I had to change my approach to love. For a long time, I thought of love as something other than what it is. She was a source of inspiration and pleasure for me. I enjoyed learning new stories and I was cruel while doing it. To women and to love as such. I thought love was an infatuation, an infatuation that leaves you feeling tingly and constantly checking your phone to see if a girl is texting you. For seven or eight years I toured concerts, drank quite a lot of alcohol and lived in a disorderly way because I was young. Then Tamara and I got to know each other and, of course, at the beginning we had no idea that we would live together. We thought we might just stay friends, but from the first moment we knew we needed each other in our lives.

Then it turned into a relationship, but my past started to haunt me. She said to me: "How is everything going to end now? I want more! Do it, otherwise you won't write songs. What will you draw inspiration from? Look, she comes to you herself, she even offers herself to you, so what are you waiting for?" Taming this stallion in me took a lot of work. The encouraging thing is that it can be done. And when I started to use the energy that I used to spend on hunting and then reshaping reality on something else, I was surprised by how much I was able to create. Plus, it doesn't cost me so much nerves and so much bad karma. I gradually understood that love is actually creative work and a huge responsibility.

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