• 22/03/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Within five years wedding, house and children, confided in the shootout a couple joined by science<


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You are together, but from the last episode of the reality show Wedding at first glance showed that you live everywhere else a hundred kilometers apart. Jak to tedy je?Klára: Dost často se navštěvujeme.We spend all our free time together.Michal: When I can, I get up in Kladno in the morning and in an hour I am in Teplice.

Klára Vršková (33) and Michal Schöpke (32) enrolled in the reality show Wedding at first sight along with almost two thousand singles.It is and the other five pairs were chosen by experts on the basis of exact knowledge.Both are teachers, Klára lives in Kladno, Michal in Krupka and teaches in Teplice.

O Vánocích budete spolu?Klára: Štědrý den strávíme každý se svou rodinou, ale navzájem se navštívíme.Míša will come to us, I will come to them.Michal: After a family evening, I plan to come to Klárka that evening.

Nový rok už oslavíte spolu?Klára: Já zas nejsem úplně ten typ: tak a tři dva jedna teď slavíme Silvestra.Some variants are planned, but it is also possible that we will be out of each other.Michal: I don't care about the celebration of New Year's Eve, but a joint meeting of loved ones and reminding of the past year.

Do pěti let svatba, domek a děti, svěřil se v Shotu pár spojený vědou

Before the wedding, you, Klárka, sent Michal a strand of her red hair with a message: let him know what he's going. Jak jste si ten vzkaz vyložil, Michale?Michal: Kromě toho jsem dostal ještě spoustu kupónků, z čehož jsem si vyložil, že má smysl pro humor a až jako poslední jsem našel pramínek vlasů.I thought to myself: I didn't go with the reddish yet, but in the context I thought of what if I was just making fun of me and there would be a blonde.

Co vy jste tím chtěla říct, Klárko? Temperament, vášeň?Klára: Určitě, s těmi vlastnostmi jsou typicky zrzky spojovány.I wouldn't have thought at all that you thought that at the beginning I would lie to you...

Has something essential remained in the four months after the decision?I mean, if you are not pregnant or not plan a real right wedding...Klára: Some reactions really are - Oh Klárka, you are pregnant!I made fun in one video - it's an application that everyone can do to entertain - that a woman will do a pregnancy test just by looking at the phone.Because of this, people started writing to me if I was pregnant.So please, I'm not pregnant, I just gained weight.And we are certainly not even in such a stage where we would like to start a family, now it is certainly not up to date.Michal: We both gained, but at Klárka it is not visible.But we both really enjoyed the common time and put a healthy lifestyle on the frack.Klára: I lost weight before filming, now I'm on my weight, so rather the viewers were not used to me like that.I'm just lazy too.Otherwise the atmosphere between us relaxed after filming, we got to know each other in a more natural environment, we went through the rise and falls, and some quarrel went.

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Did Klara Dad, who could see the wedding of his daughter on television?Do Klára get to know Klára with Michal on the street and how do they react?And what do their colleagues and their pupils and students say about the glory of cantors?Are Michal and Klára in contact with other couples who attended the wedding experiment at first glance?Did the scientists choose the couple well?Which couple, according to them, fit the most?

Do pěti let svatba, domek a děti, svěřil se v Shotu pár spojený vědou

Jeden z vašich společných plánů je zhubnout?Klára: S Míšou jsem zkusila dost nových aktivit, budeme se snažit, ale abychom si dávali předsevzetí, že musíme zhubnout, to asi ne.

Svatba pro diváky byla jen na oko, bude i ve skutečnosti?Klára: To se musíte zeptat tady vedle mě.Michal: I think it's premature.If everything is going to do this, why not, I am not an opponent of marriages if they both feel that way.For me, if the moment came, I would not resist.

You mentioned a quarrel, the TV viewers saw here in one of the episodes where Kláro, Michal asked you if you want to slap. Jak důležitá pro vás ta hádka byla?Klára: Pro mě to byl zásadní moment a reagovali na něj i diváci.But well that you are asking, today, what we know more with Misa, I would respond completely differently than I took it then then.We returned from the honeymoon and after ten days of acquaintance, this situation arose and rather it was that I could not recognize Misha's special humor.Since then we have experienced one more similar situation and I have already taken it completely differently because I already know how he meant it.I didn't get it before and I was dialed what he dared to tell me that I gathered and left for half a day away.Michal: Thank you for asking for it because somehow the situation evolved, somehow it looked like on TV.I wouldn't have chosen the words like that today, we weren't connected to each other, we got to know who reacts.But I was much more angry at how Klára responded, after all, it was not bad at all.In the end, it brought us even more.

Now you say that love is between you but to say that "I love you" is still time. Vysvětlíte mi to?Klára: Můžu to říct? My jsme se po návratu z hor, kde probíhalo poslední natáčení, rozhodli, že půjdeme na večeři a lehce oslavíme, že je natáčení za námi a že nám začíná opravdový každodenní reálný život.We had dinner, we didn't get a little disagreed and Misha told me that he loved me.And I didn't respond to it, just: Yes, I heard you said that.It is true that I have not been to return it yet, but that does not mean that there is no love.Falling in love, we skipped pink glasses, real partner life came right away.We are dating now.Michal: This is true.

Co byl nejšťastnější moment z celého natáčení?Klára: Jasně svatba, ale společná večeře s dalšími páry nám hodně dala.For me it was also the moments when we met the two families that have received a really great acceptance of us.We have the support in the closest things around us and that is probably the most important thing for me.

At the wedding, did it spark at the first good?It looked like that.Klára: I think when I speak for myself that it was mainly because I had no expectations.I didn't go there at all to be there that there will be a guy that I will like right away and it will be love at first sight.After all, neither of us believes.But when I saw him there, I got a lot of relief.I saw a decent, nice and nice man there and at the first good I knew it was no left -handed.I looked at him and saw that she was really pure soul.This was the main signal to me that I want to build a relationship with him.

Vzpomenete si také na nejdramatičtější, nejméně příjemné okamžiky z natáčení?Michal: Nepříjemnou situaci jsem zažil už před svatbou, kdy jsem to, že se žením, oznamoval své rodině.The fact that I signed up is my fight, but that I have to pull my closest to the filming.They had no idea, they came to me and suddenly stood there cameraman, it was hard.Then about the third day on the honeymoon when we didn't know each other at all, they were looking for whether we could believe or not.It was hard to believe that Klárka was also such a pure soul, in the first days I lacked trust.Klára: It was a situation that wasn't on TV.I went different from the beginning: I know what I am, how I want to behave, what I look like, that is another thing, because a hundred people, a hundred tastes and we will never be grateful to everyone.Míša had a problem with it from the beginning, he didn't know that what I was telling him is really true.He also felt that I was opposed to him.We've been telling it.Michal: I was in a foreign environment with a person you don't know about what is true and you have to do something according to a fixed schedule and you can't affect it.I was very nervous at the beginning.

Říkáte, že spoustu situací diváci neviděli, co třeba?Michal: Bylo jich několik.Like a lot of dinners we were together.Klára: Correct?Maybe the day on the beach, when we had the first exchange of views when Misha really backed me.And I just watched and it wasn't on TV.We were pretty curious if it would appear there.And if I finally looked like a septrique, fine, but in a way I am in a way.

6 fotografií

Jak důležitý byl pro vás při vzájemném poznávání sex, k němuž jste se divákům přiznali?Klára: Pro mě je se ve vztahu velmi důležitý.I am not saying that the most important.The fact that we understand each other is a confirmation for me that yeah we are on the right track.

You said in one of the episodes that Michal "jumped" after you.Klára: Well, yeah, he went after me but I wouldn't say "jumped" so it didn't sound too violent.Misha started...Michal: This is how - it wasn't completely unilateral.When a person goes on a date, he wants to try it too and without sex you may not build a relationship.Klára: Of course I respect everyone in the relationship, someone may not even need sex.We agree on that.

Může věda najít lásku?Michal: Myslím, že může, ale...There are a lot of other unknown parameters that enter it and then it's about the openness of that person.Klára: We have filled in a lot of questionnaires and completed various psychotests, and now I absolutely do not want to disparage the work of experts, but it depends on everyone whether it was honest and filled truthfully.Michal: If science could not find love, there would be many specialized dating sites that are built to fill in the basic parameters.

Jak byste si svou budoucnost představovali za pět let?Klára: Za pět let bych chtěla být se svým manželem někde v baráčku a dvě děti bych chtěla stihnout.Michal: Five years run away very fast, but of course I imagine some shift, some living in the house and as far as children are concerned, I would definitely imagine some in five years.