• 22/03/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Divorce.Why doesn't men show him about children?<


It would be beautiful if love was unbreakable.But there is no.Relationship cracks tend to be challenging, especially when the children are.

Unfortunately, it sometimes happens that the dads after the breakup cease to be interested in their children, as if they had made their old life a thick line.They contribute financially to them, but they no longer pay their time.What with this?Is it worth forcing children to force?

It was never a good dad

The truth is that from caring and loving fathers, even divorce will not make the day the men who give up on their children.”So the question is how much attention the man paid to the children at a time when he lived with them.If it does not care after the divorce, it was probably not a chart or before, ”says the relationship coach and founder of the school Lenka Černá.

Těžko můžete čekat, že ne příliš dobrý otec se po rozvodu změní v supertátu.On the contrary, a breakup for him may be an excuse for him to get rid of the duty that never enjoys him.

Máte před rozvodem? Tohle si ohlídejte!

Rozvod je na spadnutí. Ale co vás doopravdy čeká po něm?

Why does a man lose interest in a child

Sometimes, however.It is not from day to day, but rather a gradual alienation and restriction of contact.This can have several possible causes:

Father's disinterest The baby hurts

Rozvod. Proč po něm muži nejeví zájem o děti?

Every child is differently sensitive but the lack of interest of the father always hurts. Neovlivní to jen jejich dětství, ale celkový emoční vývoj a dospělost (víme, proč právě vám se v lásce nedaří).

"The son left by his father can do the same for his subconscious to enroll in the subconscious.The man's pattern will be that the man is the one who leaves the family, ”warns Jan Šulec.And an abandoned daughter?"He will receive subconscious records that the fundamental male pattern, archetype left it, left it, left.It may happen in adult life that it will be permanently leaving partners, but at the same time he can live in a subconscious fear of abandonment, so he will create a defensive carapace that will be so strong that he will not be able to establish partnership.”

How to explain to children that dad will not come

If children are entrusted to the mother's care, formally a father cannot be forced to contact children in any way. „Má rodičovské povinnosti, které plní ve formě platby výživného, ale styk jako takový je jeho právem, nikoli povinností,” vysvětluje Jan Šulec (alimenty neplatí 40 % rozvedených, jak se jich domůžete?).

And it wouldn't be worth anyway.“We always respond to pressure by closing and even greater hardening with.I would leave the man freedom and I would definitely tell him how to perceive the situation and what his actions can have the consequences. Poté už bych jej ale nechala, ať situaci zvládá sám a nese za to také následky,” radí Lenka Černá.

If you are able to speak wisely together, it might be worth trying to find out why your ex does not want to be with children, and possibly find for both of a bearable form of intercourse.

But if it is adamant, you as a mother can make only one for your children.Give them enough love and attention, and sensitively explain everything.It is essential to speak the truth. Pokud nevíte, proč otec nemá o děti zájem, řekněte jim, že tomu sama nerozumíte.If you know the reason, tell them and them, and feel free to add that my dad makes a mistake and that he will realize it once.Must know that they still have a background, and that none of what is happening around them is not their fault.

But children do not leave only men.This is 4 reasons why women do it.
