• 26/03/2023
  • By wizewebsite

An untidy home keeps a third of Czechs awake. Men are upset by scattered toys<

According to a survey, a third of us even have restless sleep due to clutter. We all deal with clutter at home, but we often have a different view of it. But according to the survey, we can agree on something.

For 78% of people, clutter starts when we can no longer find our things. For 72%, the signal to clean up immediately is when we have nowhere to put things. But 41% of Czechs also admit that they judge the tolerability of clutter according to their current mood.

We don't enjoy cleaning, almost a third go to extremes

More than half of Czechs (55%) simply don't enjoy cleaning. They only see it as a duty and no fun or relaxation.

People in Czech households are sensitive to things thrown on the floor.

Therefore, some are able to go to the extreme - 29% of people postpone cleaning until the moment when they cannot move at home and things are lost in the chaos. We spend an average of 30 minutes a day cleaning, and roughly one to two hours on the weekend.

According to the Czechs, discarded books, magazines, leaflets, stationery, children's toys and electronics belong to common everyday clutter. We usually don't deal with it that much.

The situation changes when an unexpected visitor rings the doorbell. 79% of people then throw themselves into a frenzy of cleaning, clearing all things that have been put away and thrown out of sight.

Looking at disorder causes displeasure

"The relationship between order and current mood could be simply described as the mental capacity we have for exploring the space around us, looking for things or remembering where we put things away. All this can cause displeasure in an overloaded mind that is dealing with a work conflict or partner crisis," comments psychologist and therapist Boris Štepanovič.

Facts about cleaning

According to him, just looking at the mess can make a strong emotional reaction – the feeling of inner confusion multiplies the confusion around. That's when we need a simple, familiar and clear way to find something or simply put it away.

An untidy home keeps a third of Czechs awake. Men scattered toys upset

To clear the mind, it really helps someone to clean, but it is a cleaning where we know where things belong.

So we don't create a new layout, but automatically and by memory we put things away. This rather mechanical, stereotypical activity also calms our mind.

"The attitude towards cleaning and the perception of cleaning as an annoying activity is often related to upbringing. Parents usually reward keeping order. However, they often fail to motivate the child appropriately, or even lead by example, and then solve the situation repressively," adds Štepanovič.

At puberty, we also need to rebel and break free from our parents' orders. Refusing to clean and ostentatiously showing off the mess and chaos around you can be one of the manifestations.

Chaos can really tire us out because the mind is not at rest and is always busy searching, discovering and exploring space. The capacity, especially towards the end of the day, can be exhausted and then the mess can act as a trigger for an explosion.

Even things that don't have their place make a mess

"Our things at home usually have their given place where they belong. We don't always have them there, but at least we know where to put them when cleaning. The survey revealed that more than a third (36%) of the respondents admit that the mess at home is sometimes caused by the fact that some things simply do not have their permanent place. They don't know where to store them, so it spoils the pleasant atmosphere at home," says Lucie Sobotková, sales manager of the Ikea Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia storage department.

Cleaning advisor

Most often they are electronic chargers (33%), leaflets and catalogs (30%), cables (20%), letters, greetings and cards (20%) and souvenirs (19%). Because these things are messy, they make a mess more often than other things.

And what would make cleaning easier for the Czechs? Fully 58% of us would benefit from more storage space or a better storage solution (46%). And of course also having fewer things (40%) or a bigger apartment or house (32%). Up to 38% of Czechs prefer a home furnished in the spirit of minimalism. They have, or at least wish they had less of it. This mostly applies to families with small children (45%). In contrast, students (39%) and singles (40%) like to collect personal items and memories and display them at home.

A sticky floor is driving us crazy

A full 60% of Czechs feel that no one cleans their home better than themselves. This applies mainly to women. In turn, it annoys men when women are obsessed with cleaning. However, there is one type of mess that annoys men much more than their significant other. They are scattered children's toys on the floor.

Even if Czechs do not find any particular interest in cleaning, the mess is reflected in how they feel. Roughly a third of Czechs (32%) are even nervous before going to bed if they haven't cleaned. And what will reliably heat us up? The sticky floor is clearly leading, followed by used tissues lying around and dirty clothes on the floor.