• 24/10/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Most of the textiles end up in the landfill.Recycling is prevented by the quality of clothing and officials<


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The creeping scarecrow of the waste management becomes not only difficult to degrade but also ordinary textiles.We produce an enormous amount.It is to blame for the adhesion of people to cheap textile dealers and little attention that the textile waste legislation has so far paid

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Většina textilu končí na skládce. Recyklaci brání kvalita oblečení i úředníci | Foto: Shutterstock

Textile waste is produced in businesses, but especially in households."Every citizen of the Czech Republic produces an average of ten kilograms of textile waste, of which more than ninety percent are not used further," describes the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the document update of the Policy of Secondary Raw Materials for 2019-2022.It solves a strategy for converting waste into other resources.According to the CZSO, almost 76,000 tons of textiles were imported to the Czech Republic from January 2019 to January 2020.The new one.Another 26.6 thousand tons consisted of worn clothing that ends in Secondhandy.Clothing is also exported from the Czech Republic, but the amount is roughly half the imported imported.

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The current legislation does not think too much for textile waste and the management of it so far.Only from 2025 will the municipalities apply the obligation of separate collection of textiles stored by the waste law.This responds to the European Union regulations that introduces this obligation in all EU countries.The above -mentioned update of the policy of secondary raw materials confirms that textile waste has so far been out of interest of the Czech authorities and is not yet included among the commodities of secondary raw materials policy."There is currently no umbrella organization that could provide basic information about the flow of raw materials in this area, including the objectives of development and the requirements for their support," says the document.The textile should be included in 2022.

So that the textiles do not end in the container

In order not to end the textiles in municipal waste containers, but could be recycled, so above all they provide private organizations.Whether on textiles directly focused businesses or various Diaconia and Charity.The cities and the smallest municipalities are added to containers where the people used by the textiles can take away.According to them, the interest in sorting textiles among people is great, but often encounters an official shiml.“Our experience is that the mayors of small municipalities are interested, they are grateful and helpful.While large cities, where officials decide on the location of containers, are often rejected and although we are exporting containers that are not sufficient, the location of others do not allow, ”describes Lenka Harcubová from Pux.

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However, even away from textile to a container does not mean that the clothes will still be of utility.Operators notice that in connection with the boom of the sale of cheap textiles, the quality of the input raw material is already in production.Let alone after a long wear.“Recycling also complicates the composition of cheap textiles.These are mainly mixed materials.Artificial fibers, plus cotton, viscot.It is heavily separated and basically it is another use excluded, ”adds Harcubová.Global statistics usually state that only one percent of textile waste is well recyclable.

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Většina textilu končí na skládce. Recyklaci brání kvalita oblečení i úředníci

It may also happen that the year -on -year comparison of waste production will rise this year.Because of the pandemic.Shops were closed and people bought clothes, especially shoes less.With a leaning towards the general cleaning, which people had time for closed businesses and forced holidays, they also took the attack, dressing rooms, garages.And sometimes the clothes consisted of the main waste.“In containers, there is a truly appearing clothing that is calmly thirty to forty -year -old.Unfortunately it is just a textile that is unfortunately absolutely unusable and will remain waste, ”concludes Lenka Harcubová.

In 2018, CBC TV introduced a document in which the following statistics fell: we are currently buying 400 percent more clothes than in 80.the years of the last century.On average we wear only twenty percent of this amount repeatedly.

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