• 16/03/2023
  • By wizewebsite

Medical workers are missing, the labor market is taken over, says a spokesman for the Prague ambulance<

Jak to nyní u vás vypadá?Vnímáme mírný úbytek výjezdů a vrátili jsme se k číslům, na která jsme byli zvyklí před covidem.If we look at the current situation with the Omikron variant, we can say that now in our long -term average we are in the number of trips in 24 hours at 330 to 350.Of these, the numbers of Covidal patients are between 30 and 50.It is in such waves and over the past few days we have an increase only in the number of units.

In the most critical days of last year we had up to 140 Covidal patients in 24 hours.We have been holding low numbers since the end of last year and there are no frequent intubations.If we look back at the last year, we perceived a year -on -year increase in trips by 11 percent, which is not little.Some 16,000 patients were taken in connection with COVID-19.It was the greatest increase in patients perhaps even throughout the history of the Prague emergency service.The spring and then the autumn wave of Covida signed a lot.

Kdy máte nejvíc práce?Tradičně velmi vytížená je pondělní denní služba a platilo to i před covidem.As far as possible, we strengthen it from our own resources, but we also cooperate with private carriers who provide us with rescue crews so that at least partially we relieve our rescuers and the work spread among more people.

Nyní cítíte díky úbytku covidových pacientů úlevu?Dalo by se říci, že mírnou úlevu.Of course we are alert.Omikron here, is much more contagious, on the other hand, according to information known from the media, which we confirm during our trips, the condition of patients with omikron is not so serious or critical.This shows the numbers that people do not end in intensive care units.

Až omikron odezní, bude to podle vás definitivní konec koronaviru?Moc bychom si to přáli, a to hlavně kvůli našim lidem, kteří už dva roky u záchranné služby pociťují ten nápor.Whether it is because of the changes they had to occur, also because of the high work commitment, and it is also the use of protective equipment.

Rescuers in Prague commute more slowly because of dense transport and narrowing of the streets

Jak se vaše práce změnila kvůli covidu?Ta změna byla opravu rapidní.The full -body protective suit that we see regularly on rescuers today was pulled out once a year at innovation courses.We learned how to get into it.Today, rescuers wake up and are dressed in it, they work in protective equipment, which is difficult, for example, in the summer months.The vehicles also have to disinfected after the exit.This fundamentally changes the possibilities of employing the entire exit group as the time has changed when the vehicle is occupied.

Zdravotníci chybějí, trh práce je přebraný, říká mluvčí pražské záchranky

We were therefore looking for processes as we would speed up and streamline it.The methodology had to change also.When Covid came, there was not much of the information.And the main goals, which is still true today, include the protection of our crews in addition to rescue patients.The point is that we can guarantee that our people do not get infected even in accidental contact with Covid.We have three basic levels of protection and the highest is the full -body suit with a face mask that rescuers have deployed.But even at the lowest level of protection, rescuers are sufficiently protected if there is an unexpected contact with Covid positive.

A jak se změnily nároky na záchranáře po odborné stránce?Minimálně ze začátku byl obrovský nápor na tísňovou linku.Call structure has also changed, because before various information lines worked, people were looking for information in our country.We had to change the structure of collecting phone calls.We have included questions about coronavirus and vaccination in regular questions.

Drivers delay the rescuers on the road.Do not form a street, pick up ambulances

Do you suffer from a lack of staff?Not long ago you published a recruitment video in September 2020.We can't even imagine the situation that we already had enough colleagues.Medical workers are missing everywhere - on all emergency services and in hospitals.Motivated colleagues who want to work with us always have the door open.The main problem of the ambulance is that the labor market is very taken over and as the legislation has changed, the medical rescuers who have studied have to go to the hospital for about two years for about two years.

We were used to the fact that schools spewed a number of graduates every year.Many of them went to the emergency service and it is not possible now because they must be in the hospital that year.Often it is not even that they would serve that year and then went to the rescue.They often stay in the hospital already.Are motivated financially or already have some ties there.Higher vocational schools with a medical rescuer were also abolished.The decline in new professionals is really known because the legislation speaks clearly who can the rescuer's position.But it's not that we have a critical shortage of people to, for example.

There is also a lot of talk about columns in Prague transport. Má to nějaký vliv na vaši práci?Dopravní situace je jedním ze specifik práce celého integrovaného záchranného systému záchranáře nevyjímaje, protože doprava se stále více zahušťuje.There are also a housing estate in Prague that was conceived that the car had only a few people at the entrance.Today one family and more cars have.Rescuers are used to it, there are tips that are perceived by ordinary drivers.During them, the permeability of Prague is more complicated and there are certainly some things that could make the work easier.

For example, grassed tram trams are problematic, we are also troubled by incorrectly parked cars in housing estates.Colleagues firefighters have this even more complicated because their cars are bigger.But there are more ways to each goal, so if there is a street closure, we should cope.We always get to the patient.But we would appreciate the citizens that where someone parks on the sidewalk or narrow street, we have no choice but to stop in the street to be as close as possible to the patient.

The expected problem in Prague transport is the repair of the Barrandov Bridge. Připravujete se na to nějak?O důležitých uzavírkách jsme s předstihem informovaní z magistrátu.These things are dealt with by colleagues from the crisis preparedness workplace.We are preparing for various spare variants so that the availability of the emergency service is not limited.