• 06/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Ski Counseling Center: How to choose the right cross -country skiing equipment<

Let's start with the most important. Co si má člověk, který se chystá na Jizerskou 50, sehnat ze zimní výbavy jako první? Určitě boty, od těch by se mělo začít a od nich odvíjet pořizování dalších věcí.

Na sjezdové lyžování se radí kupovat těsné boty, jak je to s těmi na běžecké lyžování? U nich bych doporučoval minimálně o půl čísla větší velikost.When running on skis, you don't roll your fingers like you are in a forward skiing skiing.In addition, the feet after a long fatigue will swell slightly.Basically react as in normal running.So if you run, get your cross -country ski boots the same big as you have to run your running.

The biggest problem is in shoes when freezing fingertips. Pomohou tlusté ponožky? Myslím, že to není ideální řešení.Even thinner functional socks are sufficient for cross -country skiing.Fingers will freeze for a long time so much.Personally, I would recommend thermal cushions that can be put under the ends of the fingers and lasts for three to four hours.I also tried them and really work perfectly.

We have shoes, so we will go to them to buy cross -country skiing. Na co si dát v první řadě pozor při jejich nákupu? Na vázání.Two types are used and shoes are only usable with the same type of bindings.We will advise you well in each intersport network.If you get the first to buy skis with binding, you are limited by the restricted type of bindings when buying shoes.

You are talking about two types of bindings. Jaký je mezi nimi hlavní rozdíl? Základní modely obou systémů fungují velmi podobně.Ordinary skier the difference between individual bindings does not know.The first type of NNN also has NIS models - the ski is provided with a platform and the bindings only slide on cross -country skiing, so the skis may not drill.The second type of SNS or Salomon Nordic System is stabilized in two places pilot for the shoe, while NNN only on one.

Co délka běžeckých lyží, podle čeho ji určit? Tady pozor, neplést si se sjezdovými lyžemi, kde záleží více na výšce člověka.The cross -country skiing is mainly its weight.The heavier the person, the harder and longer skis to avoid contact the lubrication chamber with the snow and at the same time allow optimal reflection.

Lyžařská poradna: Jak vybrat správné vybavení na běžky

Tradiční běžkařský pojem: měkčí, či tvrdší lyže? Pro amatérské běžce na lyžích bych doporučoval měkčí.They are easier to bounce on them even if they can be slower at the downhill.For hobbies cross -country skiers, it is traditional that they buy so -called.scales.

Skutečně jsou pro ně lepší?Lépe se s nimi jezdí.You save on risers of waxes, on the iron.Their undisputed advantage is that you can't lubricate on them.The reflective area is filled with the scales that help in the climb.They are only deleted by sliding waxes on the smooth part of the slide.However, professional skiers do not use them because they slow down at the downhill.However, amateur cross -country skiers are not about time but comfort.And a couple of seconds they lose at the downhill do not mind.

In skis runners we often see differently long sticks. Jaká je jejich ideální délka?Hodně se to odvíjí od fyzické kondice závodníka.It is usually advised that the length should be with the shoulder joint level.For those who do not have such stamina, shorter chopsticks are recommended because the body has better stability and better reflects.

Who advises you

Michal Folkman pracuje pro síť sportovních prodejen Intersport a je odborníkem na sportovní vybavení a výživu.He graduated from FTVS at Charles University in Prague, worked as a fitness coach and nutritional advisor. Jako aktivní sportovec se účastní závodů Českého poháru, mistrovství republiky a Ironmana v triatlonu. Je pravidelným účastníkem Jizerské 50 a cyklistických MTB závodů a maratonů.Together with other colleagues she is registered in the book of Czech records in continuous spinning ride.They stayed together for five days.

You've already mentioned waxes.Their ideal use is a large alchemy. Dá se univerzálně poradit, které používat?Jak říkáte, to je skutečná alchymie a občas na tom selžou i profesionální jezdci.It depends on many little things.At air, temperature, humidity and snow type.Such the first advice for everyone is to know where exactly the cross -country skiing is to lubricate the riser wax.It is mostly from the heel of shoes some 60-70 centimeters to the tip of the ski.This is exactly what you will find so -called."paper test" where on uniformly loaded skis lying on a flat surface pushed a sheet of paper under.

At the Jizera 50 ČSOB Insurance Company, a 50 -kilometer track is driven. Jak se na ni vhodně obléknout, aby nám nebylo příliš velké teplo, ale ani jsme neprochladli?Základem je funkční prádlo, jako při každém sportu.If I am specific, the T -shirt should be adhesive and with a long sleeve.It can only be a quality jacket or one more layer of functional underwear.But this is usually solved by hiding a light wind jacket in the kidney.It is also important to have the upper layer of the neck at the neck so that we can open it while climbing and on the fast downhill.

Co kalhoty, doporučujete mít dvě vrstvy?Pokud bude ta spodní vrstva z kvalitního funkčního prádla, tak klidně.Much depends on the weather.Profi competitors take it as little as possible to have the least limited movement.However, if you are just going through, you can easily choose two layers.