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This pasquil should never have been submitted. The MP and the nurse crush the pandemic amendment | ParlamentniListy.cz – politics from all sides<


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Your SPD movement opposed the amendment to the pandemic law. What bothered you more, the form of this law (quarantine citizens without the possibility of review by text), or the underhanded way in which the government tried to push through it in an accelerated procedure?

The government amendment is being discussed in a legislative emergency, in a so-called abbreviated meeting. In a state of legislative emergency, a government bill can be discussed only in the case of extraordinary circumstances, when the basic rights and freedoms of citizens or the security of the state are fundamentally threatened, or when the state is threatened with significant economic damage. The fulfillment of these conditions must be sufficiently demonstrated by the government.

The state of legislative emergency is literally being abused here and the laws cannot be discussed sufficiently, they are not discussed enough in committees and there is not enough discussion about them. Several amendments are prepared in the law, which represent a completely unacceptable attempt to limit the rights and freedoms of citizens, guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and international conventions.

So far, it seems that the government, despite Petr Fiala's noble words about the importance of the parliament, with its comfortable majority, will not deal much with the objections of the deputies...

The government promised in its program statement that we have to learn to live with covid. So far, the steps taken by the Czech government do not seem to be in line with this. We still have discriminatory and illogical measures here, where you have to prove to the services that you are "infectious-free", i.e. whether the person in question has been vaccinated or has experienced covid-19 - and this despite the fact that vaccination does not prevent the onset or spread of the disease and thus even the vaccinated can infect and spread the disease. Such a measure is not only illogical, but also discriminatory and divides society. It was originally set up to force people to vaccinate, and it continues to this day, but the logic of the matter makes it clear that it has nothing to do with health protection.

Another illogical step, which has nothing to do with learning to live with covid-19, is widespread testing with antigen tests, which are rather indicative and tend to have a distorted result especially in asymptomatic individuals. Widespread testing will cost us huge amounts of money that will be missed to treat truly sick patients. Thus, only people with symptoms should be tested.

Even the current government is not very clear about this, which is evidenced by the fact that last year the recognition of antigen tests as a ticket to services and other businesses was canceled on the grounds that these tests are inconclusive and do not have reliable reporting value. Even then, the future Minister of War Válek said that, according to him, there are false positives and false negatives with self-tests. And just imagine, at a recent press conference after the government meeting, Minister of Health Vlastimil Válek literally said: "Validation of antigen tests... we have a very high confirmation rate using PCR tests and this proves that the antigen tests are of extremely high quality..."

What are the SPD's main material comments on this draft?

From the revised wording of the amendment to the Pandemic Act, it follows that not only the Ministry of Health, but also the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior will now be able to issue emergency measures.

This bill should never have been submitted. and a nurse crushes the pandemic amendment | ParlamentniListy.cz – politics from all sides

Even the explanatory report does not sufficiently explain why the authority to issue emergency measures should be extended to the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior.

Furthermore, we see the expansion of areas in which basic civil rights and freedoms can be restricted as problematic. The amendment expands the list of extraordinary measures that can be taken in adverse epidemic situations according to the Pandemic Act. For example, the authorities will be able to restrict business activity. As a result, entrepreneurs will not be able to predict what awaits them, and this introduces considerable uncertainty into the business environment.

The law also orders people who test positive for the antigen to stay separately from others. What is meant by separate and what will happen to those who cannot be separate in the household? There is room for a number of questions here. Will they be locked up in some facility? This is also not specified and explained.

We wrote:

Decroix (ODS): Quarantine should be used to protect against the spread of the disease, not to enforce the opinion The pandemic law is a fire hose, said Fiala. And the answer came to him They carried the gallows to Babiš as well. Explanation? Lawyer: Hygienists' coup. Dark Intentions War. Pendrek's law

The law also newly states that hygienists and other workers can notify the person concerned of the isolation or quarantine order orally or in writing, including by means of remote communication, i.e. by phone or SMS. What if someone doesn't receive an SMS or someone turns off their phone for a few days and doesn't read the SMS? Nowhere is the possibility of defense against such a procedure addressed.

The teaching restrictions are certainly worth noting. Further restricting children's right to education is unacceptable. The coronavirus pandemic hit Czech education very hard, children were at home the longest compared to the rest of Europe and thousands of them dropped out of the education system. The differences between the pupils have deepened and they will never make up for lost time, so further restrictions on teaching would be completely unacceptable.

To whom would you recommend vaccination?

I am not against vaccination as such. Regarding vaccination against the covid-19 disease with currently available vaccines, we are fundamentally in favor of voluntary vaccination. Vaccines do not prevent the onset or spread of disease and their long-term side effects are unknown - so both the benefits and risks of vaccination for a specific person must always be evaluated, which should be evaluated by a general practitioner who knows the patient and has his or her medical records. Vaccinations in malls have pushed health to the level of buying shoes or clothes. Vaccination centers do not have the mentioned information about the patient, so vaccination in such a place seems extremely inappropriate to me. The final decision must expressly rest with each individual.

Karla Maříková

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You also supported the abolition of compulsory vaccination for certain age and professional groups. For this, many have labeled you "anti-vaxxers". Do you feel like a vaccine opponent?

As I mentioned, we in the SPD are not against vaccination as such, but in the case of vaccination against the covid-19 disease, which does not prevent the person in question from becoming infected and spreading the infection, caution is necessary, as these are new vaccines that we do not know about , what negative effects they can have. For each person, benefit vs. risk and should be advised accordingly whether he should be vaccinated or not. Widespread vaccination, even of children, makes no sense.

Isn't the serious controversy about the government's pandemic policy devalued a bit by the peculiar way some individuals protest and excesses such as the persecution of medical authorities or the presentation of a mock-up of the gallows at an anti-covid demonstration?

For the level at which the discussion is conducted, we can thank the previous government, which politicized the coronavirus and discredited opposing expert opinions, and also the current government, which continues at the level at which the discussion is conducted. Some media also did their part, using the whole situation to gain more viewership, because fear and emotion increase viewership and readership. The public's approach to this is a result of the division of society by discriminatory measures and mistrust caused by governments - both past and present.

I understand that the gallows symbol is borderline and I believe it was just symbolism, but it is always necessary to look at things from both sides. People have been isolated, divided, discriminated against for two years - this affects the emotions that drive society. The amendment to the pandemic law, which was criticized by a number of lawyers, is already the last "full stop".

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Do you trust prof. Jiří Baran?

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In general, what do you think of the way in which the professional debate about covid is conducted? That the categories of "covid disinformation" are being introduced here, and that some respected experts face criticism and insults for their differing opinions?

Only one opinion is accepted and only that opinion is taken as correct - and that is the promotion of vaccination. Professional discussion has completely disappeared, every expert with a different opinion is labeled a misinformer, and it has gone so far that the Ministry of Health also labeled our best expert, Professor Beran, as such. Instead of a world-renowned expert being invited to the advisory team of the Ministry of Health, he is being dishonored. I think that proves something. There is no interest or room for a different opinion.

We can assume that it suits someone, because many people and companies profit from covid - pharmaceutical companies, laboratories that carry out tests, manufacturers and sellers of protective equipment, but also hospitals, which have surcharges for covid beds, and many of them got from negative to positive numbers. Today, e-shops or streaming services are even afraid of the end of the pandemic. So dragging out the whole situation can suit someone. Discrediting an opposing opinion is one of the ways to silence inappropriate opponents. In short, Covid-19 has become a good business for some.

From your point of view, as a member of parliament, what has changed in the fight against the pandemic with the new government and the new minister?

Practically nothing has changed. The government is doing practically the same thing as the previous government, which was criticized by the opposition. She fulfilled promises such as the abolition of compulsory vaccination only after political pressure from the SPD, as well as pressure from various organizations and the public. Now that the government is feeling the pressure of the public because of the pandemic law, the public is trying to be silenced by promising when we will return to normal. According to Minister of Health Válek, it was initially supposed to be in April, then Prime Minister Fiala said that it could be as early as March.

No matter how serious the government is about deregulation - the Pandemic Act should not go unnoticed, as it is a piece of crap that should never have been submitted for approval.

We wrote:

The pressure on the War is growing. Court? Not just senators. Hard against mandatory vaccination SPD member became interested in Vojtěch's covid orders worth millions. This is how the Third dose went, and you still get infected. Zeman as evidence. The blame falls on the unvaccinated, warns Karla MaříkováYou don't believe in those vaccines? The world trusts them! Bartošová from CT pressured Maříková. "You're getting it wrong," she heard back. And the reasons came

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Article contains tags

Chamber of Deputies, interview, SPD, Maříková, pandemic law

author: Jakub Vosáhlo