• 20/03/2022
  • By wizewebsite

He has to go to the doctor with the child. Is he entitled to paid leave with compensation?<

For example, it is common for parents to go to the doctor with their child. How does the Labor Code view this when it comes to employees who are forced to take time off work? Are they entitled to compensation of wages or salary?

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic shed light on the issue

According to point 8, letter a) Annexes to Government Decree No. 590/2006 Coll., which stipulates the scope and extent of other important personal obstacles at work pursuant to Section 199 (2) of the Labor Code, provides employees with time off to accompany a family member to a medical facility for examination or treatment in the event of a sudden illness or injury and a predetermined examination, treatment or cure. This leave is provided only to one of the family members for the necessary period, but not more than 1 day, if the escort was necessary and the said acts could not be performed outside working hours.

Leave with compensation of wages or salary is provided by the employer if it is accompanied by:

Employees must do without wage or salary compensation for other family members.

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Example - a parent placed in a bathroom

The above also applies to the case of a parent placed in a bathroom. Specifically, she is the mother of an employee placed in a full-time facility who needs to be regularly examined for medical examinations. Due to insufficient staff capacity, her daughter accompanies her for an examination. She asked her employer to leave her job. Is the employee entitled or not to a paid obstacle at work - accompanying a family member to a medical facility?

The decisive factor for assessing entitlement to paid leave is that the family member (in this case the mother-daughter), the escort lasted the necessary time (maximum 1 day) and the escort was necessary, and the examination or treatment could not be performed outside working hours. The journey to the medical facility, the time of treatment or examination of the family member and the journey back are considered to be essential times, explains MLSA spokeswoman Barbara Hanousek Eckhardová.

All the above conditions are met, the employer is obliged to provide the employee with time off work with compensation for wages or salary. This compensation of wages or salary is due to the employee in the amount of average earnings.

We add that the placement of a family member in a bathroom with all-day care does not play any role in assessing the right to an obstacle, concludes Eckhard.

More detailed conditions for the provision of obstacles at work (including a clear table with the right to compensation of wages) are described in the articles: