• 05/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Born prematurely, Christmas at home with his family Matýsek won<

He came to the world at 23.a week of pregnancy, weighed 730 grams and spent 129 days long in the hospital.Now with his parents and sister Ella will experience at home in Hoštálková's first Christmas.

"He's the biggest fighter and now a big guy.But when I saw him for the first time, I couldn't find him almost in the incubator how tiny he was.I apologized to him that he had such a start to my life for me.I knew it would be a struggle for survival, ”Markéta confided.

Premature children who do not weigh a kilogram and can be considered real miracles of medicine, count on Zlín neonatology 30 a year.Matýsek ranked among them in mid -July.

”Science has made incredible progress, thirty years ago such children would not have a chance to survive at all.They are really died today rarely.Technologies and medicines are at a very high level and we can save almost every previously born child, ”confirmed Jozef Macko, head physician of the neonatal department, which includes the center of highly specialized intensive care in perinatology.

Thirty -four -year -old mother was guarded by doctors due to low placenta since the beginning of pregnancy.In the fifth month she began to bleed, then lost a lot of blood in the Vsetín hospital and due to hematoma was already necessary to transport to Baťa hospital, where the risk of pregnancy is equipment.

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”I was getting corticoids, I just lay, I ate in bed and ate.I was afraid, I was only at 23.a week of pregnancy.When I started bleeding again, they have already taken me directly to the Caesarean Hall.I had other problems and lost four liters of blood, so I'm glad they actually saved us, ”she revealed."As we did not expect, Matýsek got the name up to five minutes before giving birth," she added with a smile.

All three have begun four months demanding.The baby boy still had lids, he did not have completely developed lungs or enough fat layer, so the devices helped him breathe and got the necessary medicines and nutrition into the body.Otherwise he was stable.The parents went to him several times a day to the neonatological unit of intensive care, could caress him through the opening in the incubator, speak to him.The first time his mother took him in his arms after a week.

Narodil se předčasně, Vánoce doma s rodinou si však Matýsek vybojoval

"I could finally bury him, it was something unreal.But he was still integrated, the devices helped him with breathing, had a probe introduced into the stomach for nutrition.He fought with his lungs for a long time, got pneumonia, but after a week with the help of antibiotics he did it, ”she recalled.

Every morning she took a three -year -old daughter to kindergarten, got into the car and went to Zlín behind her son.She spent several hours with him, her husband Martin replaced her afternoon, then picked up her daughter and sucked milk at home so she could bring him back the next day.It took three months

Without little daughter it would be harder

"They said breast milk is the best I can Matýsek give.So I kept sucking and he was getting him all the time.I didn't have much time to think about what was happening to him, but I am a very grateful husband who did not miss a single day and managed to take care of his daughter, go to work, for me and Matýsek, the woman tells.

”When I first came home from the maternity hospital with an empty arms, it was the worst day.But Ellinka filled her at that moment, she helped me a lot.If we didn't have it, it would be harder, ”she described the demanding days.”Also nurses and doctors in the ICU were great, Mr. Macko saved us the most valuable and the nurses talked to Matýsek, stroked him and I was calm because I knew that we were not there, he got a lot of love.”

Children who are born in 23.a week of pregnancy, mají velkou šanci na přežití.Even so, they are waiting for a difficult way.Matýsek was not far from the performance of tracheostomy for better airway patency.He threatened him after several attempts when his doctors disconnected his breathing apparatus and could not breathe alone for more than two or three hours.When he got the last chance, he had almost three months.Finally, he did this test.

“Unfortunately, we can't replace the missing mother's uterus yet.But we try to make my mother spend the maximum time with the child, even if she is in the incubator to caress him, touching him.All studies confirm that such early stimulation improves many things, children develop and learn better, Macko described.

Parents can be with children all day

“They cannot ensure basic functions themselves, so we help with breathing, heart activity and the like.Although they are such a small miracles, they often do incredible. Proto u nás třeba dostávají diplom, když překročí hmotnost jednoho kilogramu,” prozradil.

After disconnecting the breathing apparatus, Matýsek spent less than a month in a special room for parents and premature children.The Bata Hospital opened them four years ago thanks.Parents in them can finally spend all day and night with babies and do not have to run only shorter visits.

“I have been balanced for months until I experienced a two -day depression here.We still couldn't get to Matýska's entire daily milk dose by breastfeeding.Had the power to breathe it and at the same time the Milk Hall.So he needed to feed the probe into the stomach.Missing so little that we could go home. Sestřičky se snažily, vymýšlely různé metody, nakonec se to podařilo,” vyprávěla spokojená maminka.

Matýsek Marušák left the Zlín hospital without one day four months after birth.In Brno, he was still waiting for hernia hernia and his father brought him to Hošťálková.November, after 129 days and with a weight of 3,900 grams.