• 28/07/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Mom, do not leave me or separation anxiety attacks - babyweb.cz<

When the baby "attacks" the separation anxiety, the mother usually surprises a lot.Until now, her crumb tolerated the arms of other family and relatives without any problems and with a smile, and she could safely move away for a few hours.But now everything is different.The moment the baby loses his mother out of sight, she triggers a heartbreaking cry.Even ordinary need for her thus becomes a huge problem for her, let alone a rest bath.Little capart just must still have his mother's eyes.

Why is it like this?

Separation anxiety will pass every child in the period from 6.up to 12.(sometimes 18.) months of age, it is a completely normal healthy developmental stage in which he creates an emotional bond to the most important person (which is usually the mother).U feel in complete safety because he gives him a perfect sense of security.

But if he suddenly does not see her, he literally panic, is afraid, he breaks out in a desperate cry.The baby at this age only lives in the present, so he does not know and does not understand that his mother will return in a moment that he does not leave him.She just loves her above all everything in the world, she is mentally dependent on her and wants to be in constant contact with her.Every minute without her is strongly stressful for him.

What with this?

Definitely do not try to ignore or underestimate his anxious behavior.It can't, it will not affect it.On the other hand, the correct way to overcome this difficult period is to hear its current needs.It will help him to develop good emotional ties at a later age, growing up healthy and loving individual.Be close to him when she requires it, keep him, give him your warm arms, stroke it, cuddle.

On the contrary, completely ignore the reminder of the surroundings that you are pampered with your child.You are a parent, you raise your child and create it to you the best possible conditions for healthy mental development and prepare it for his future life.

Maminko, neopouštěj mě aneb Separační úzkost útočí - Babyweb.cz

Suppressing separation anxiety, shouting or even punishing a child leads to disruption of his mental development, becomes an uncertain individual without self -confidence that the consequences of this traumatic experience.Also think that your child will be once a parent and must know how sensitively and with love to raise your offspring.

”Lukášek was always a friendly smiling child that went from her arms to her arms without a single tear.But in half a year it changed practically day by day, ”recalls Mother Lenka."No one alien could even look at him, let alone bury him.I couldn't cook lunch, have a shower and I could only dream of a hairdresser's visit to.As he didn't see me, he began to make a terrible.He didn't want to be at her husband, he just kept crying and demanding my attention.I have to say that it was very difficult at the beginning, but we did it.We solved the problem at home with a car seat.When I needed to do something and couldn't have it on my hand, I set it in it, and wherever I moved anywhere, I took him to keep seeing me on me.While vacuuming, wiping dust, cooking, he was still with me.I took him to the bathroom when I wanted to bathe.Every time he was happy in the car seat, played and you could see that he was happy.And most importantly, he finally stopped crying.Well, and a few months after separating anxiety or trace.Like a wave of magic, a frightened tearful became a little curious rogue that had no problem going with my grandmother for a walk.”

There is always some suitable solution to handle this situation.Not only for a child is to find an adequate path to overcome separation anxiety as a benefit and relief, but also for parents this difficult period is less stressful.And it is definitely worth a little effort and a few concessions and renunciations.

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Separation anxiety and jealousy of an older sibling

If your child is an only child, these worries are not concerned.But parents who have more children have a problem.Each of them longs for attention and increased care for their younger sibling may not bear well.The jealousy is thus missing only by step.Why does my mother so often keep a small brother?Why does he take him everywhere?

It is very important in this period not to neglect your older children.Although it can be very exhausting, it is necessary to pursue them as well.Even a few minutes together is enough to feel joy and happiness and they will know that you are still here for them.Try to explain to them that the brother is small and is far from understanding that his mother does not leave anywhere and that they do not leave them, so we cry.As much as possible hug them and tell them you love them and how proud you are when they help you with something.You will see that they will understand and compare with the situation.

However, jealousy does not have to be just the privilege of older siblings.Often the dads who feel that they are neglected.And no wonder.Everything revolves around a child who also cries when he just approaches him.Yes it is hard, but it is necessary to realize that the period of separation anxiety is temporary and that in a few months everything will be in the old.

With a sensitive approach, all members of the family can handle the separation anxiety, and later, when you wave puberty with your children, you will laugh at the memories of how they once could not last a minute.