• 07/10/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Since when do children need friends?Toddler learns, preschooler looking for them<

Everyone needs friends.I your child.And just as they learn to climb, sit down, talk, learn, gradually and at a completely individual pace to look for their "new close people".Slowly step by step leaves the safe circle of their family and creates fundamental relationships outside of it.Sometimes easily, sometimes worse.

Sometimes with our help, sometimes quite naturally and without embarrassment.It helps him, among other things, patterns of behavior that have learned at home, as well as congenital abilities based on the nature of the child.

And it is still and above all a family that also gives the child the initial social or social status and significantly directs the child to the waters (social strata and leisure or ethnic groups) in which its first friendship will close its first friendship.

About three quarters of the age of age, your offspring is active only with the closest people, especially with mom and dad, or siblings.But then it can start to come slowly - the first friendship or rather the first passion for other children.In any case, the child's friendship world has its rules and laws.


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And for the creation of camaraderie there are a completely different prerequisites than we take into account by the adults.

You can read all this a few lines away.I talked about the first child's friendly contacts with Mgr.Ivana Procházková, who (not only) leads in Brno courses for parents, also founded Montessori crèche and kindergarten and is a co -author of a book about the upbringing of children: with love and reason.What did we find around children's friendship? Sometime around a year and a half was the period when my daughter entered my life first big friend.Is it a classic age or is it individual? I think you need to define at the beginning what a friend means.Children are attracted by other children from the very birth.Certainly every mother recalls the moment when she put her six -month baby next to another and both children looked at each other and reached for each other and were practically fascinated.

Annual child also observes other children: they are similar to him, loading them.But I think that real friendships arise later.Especially up to three years of age, the child in most cases will "be friends" with any other child who meets if this is not aggressive or otherwise invasive.

The friendships that arise at this young age are given rather by friends of mothers and their children with whom they meet regularly.Otherwise, a form of socialization takes place for each child practically since birth, only changes the form.

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POČÍTÁM, ŽE V TOM HRAJE ROLI TAKÉ POVAHA DÍTĚTE?Určitě jsou děti, které jsou více otočeny ven a nebojí se vyrazit vstříc novým dobrodružstvím, dětem, prostředí. Jsou ale samozřejmě i takové, které se drží máminy sukně a než se vzdálí, tak to trvá. Jestli vůbec. Je to ale stejné jako s námi dospělými. Také jsou mezi námi tací, kteří nemají problém s ostatními lidmi, a jiní, co jsou více samotáři. A nic není dobře, nic není špatně, každý to má prostě jenom „jinak“.PRVNÍ KAMARÁDI NEJSOU ASI TAKOVÍ, JAKO SI PŘEDSTAVÍME MY DOSPĚLÍ, ŽE? ČASTO VIDÍME SOUBOJE O HRAČKY, VRÁŽENÍ DO SEBE… JE TO SPÍŠ ZJIŠŤOVÁNÍ, CO MI DOVOLÍ LIDÉ MIMO RODINU?Ano, přesně tak. Tady se o kamarádství zatím mluvit nedá. Jde opravdu o přirozenou socializaci, dítě si ještě nehledá kamarády. Hledá si spíše své místo ve společnosti, na hřišti, v kolektivu, potom se teprve každé dítě dokáže otevřít dalším dětem. V těchto chvílích se učí, jak fungují základní principy mezi dětmi, jak fungují v tomto všem jejich rodiče, za kým stojí, koho se zastávají, jak se řeší situace.VNÍMÁM TO DOBŘE, KDYŽ SI MYSLÍM, ŽE DĚTI SVÉ PRVNÍ KAMARÁDY POTŘEBUJÍ SPÍŠ JAKO DALŠÍ MOTIVAČNÍ PRVEK, JAKO DALŠÍ UČITELE?Ano, to jste udeřila hřebíček na hlavičku. Přesně tak to je. Děti se dokážou od určitého věku naučit nejvíc od ostatních dětí. Učí se na nich základní interakce, zvládání emocí, přicházejí nové emoce, otázky respektu, ohleduplnosti, slušného chování, budování si vlastní identity.MÁM JÁ JAKO MÁMA AKTIVNĚ NACHÁZET DALŠÍ MAMINKY S PŘIBLIŽNĚ STEJNĚ STARÝMI DĚTMI, NEBO NECHAT NA SVÉM DÍTĚTI, JAK SI PORADÍ?Nemyslím, že je třeba aktivně vyhledávat. Pokud člověk nežije na samotě, pak se děti přirozeně setkávají na ulici, v obchodě, během běžného každodenního života.

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They observe and when they stop it, they will quickly show you that they want to be among the other children, that they are ready.Here I would start to support the child in socialization (she went to the park, for rings, etc..).


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Is there any probability that the first friendship will last for a long time, until adulthood? If you don't change their place of residence and original friend, then the camaraderie can last for years.However, the first friendship, however, is not really about the fact that we really choose friends, the children are taken as they are as they are.They have been friends with children for quite a long time they don't really fit.

It is really more of the one they have the opportunity to meet.The fact that they in a way choose who they surround themselves do not later: only around the fifth year of age start to define themselves and friends only with who is pleasant to them.They can also afford it later, they are able to go to a friend themselves, contact him.

The young children are not, they have to take what is around them.Sometimes, however.


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He just needs mom and mom again.


There are days when they also appreciate dad, grandmother, grandfather, uncle.When he sees another infant side by side, he looks at him with interest, somewhat awkwardly, but his mom will still be in the first place.


He really looks at other "small people" already purposefully.But wouldn't she play with them?It rather nicely side by side, in parallel.Batters for toys are daily as well as crying and maternal despair, what the neobvalci it will grow out of that child.If you have a best friend with a child or children of the same age, you can already seek to systematically seek the friend with the same old child.He already talks about such a friend at home, remembers him and can look forward to the next meeting.


Is in full friend interaction.He is often in a team of children who did not choose (see kindergarten), but he can gradually sort to whom he is closest to.Friendship also overlaps with the first love and all these relationships can have a very simple foundation standing on the fact that children like the same fairy tale and the like.In addition, a typical preschooler already spends most of his day outside the family.And friendship is gaining importance for him.Deeper friendly relationships will also be born slowly.

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