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Sweating mainly affects babies and other small patients. How to treat them properly?<

26.7.2019/Barbora Košňarová/ Articles/ 0 comments

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Sweatworms are most often found in young children, especially in newborns and infants, but they also occur in adults. It is a non-infectious rash that is manifested by the seeding of small reddened spots on the skin, which gradually form blisters filled with fluid. Various ointments, baths or washing the affected areas with special decoctions help the healing of sweat sores.

Sweat spots occur when the sweat glands are blocked and sweat cannot escape naturally from the skin. Such a situation usually occurs with significant overheating of the body and steaming of the skin. It can be, for example, during a fever or in hot and humid weather, when a person sweats much more.

Sweating in children

Small patients are the most susceptible to sweating, which is caused by retention of the sweat gland outlet. The function of the sweat glands and thermoregulation in them is not yet so well developed. When it comes to baby sweats, you don't have to worry that this is an isolated phenomenon. Parents, on the other hand, deal with sweating in newborns and sweating in infants very often.

The rash occurs, for example, in the following situations:

Sweats in adults

Although sweats mainly trouble children, they can also occur in some cases in adult patients. The cause of their appearance can be driving for several hours in a hot car or traveling for a long time on a bicycle or motorcycle. Wearing ill-fitting clothing, using heavy creams, or sleeping under blankets that are too warm can also block sweat, causing overheating.

Symptoms of sweats

What do sweats look like? You can recognize them by the typical rash, which first appears as red spots on the skin. These gradually become fluid-filled blisters that can be unpleasantly itchy, sometimes even coalesce and form larger maps on the body. After some time, the blisters may begin to crack slightly, dry out and peel off. However, the affected areas usually heal within a few days.

Where do sweat spots occur?

Sweating mainly affects babies and other small patients . How to treat them correctly?

Sweat spots can appear practically all over the body, but they most often form in unventilated folds of the skin and in places with a larger number of sweat glands. Patients usually complain of groin rash, armpit sweat, neck sweat, or chest sweat. You may also notice:

In young children, the rash often also affects the area under the diapers. Sweating on the buttocks or stomach may therefore appear. Adults usually suffer from a rash in the private parts, where the skin can be steamed, and women also complain of sweating under the breasts.


When parents discover red spots and blisters on their child's skin, they usually assume that it is just sweat. However, it is important to check this fact, because baby sweats can easily be confused with an allergic reaction or heatstroke. If you are not sure whether it is really sweating, it is better to find a pediatrician who will assess the situation professionally.

Treatment of sweats

Many people struggle with how to get rid of sweats. However, since the rash in babies, older children and adult patients usually disappears on its own within two to three days, simple home therapy is usually sufficient. So what is the treatment for sweating?

The child should definitely not be dressed in tight clothes, because sweats occur precisely on steamy skin. It is therefore advisable to let the skin breathe and not expose it to direct sunlight. Doctors also agree that it is important to maintain a constant temperature at home, which ranges between 21-24°C during the day, while at night it should drop to a pleasant 18°C. You should also not forget about thorough ventilation and a proper drinking regime.

What else helps with sweating? At home, you can prepare healing poultices or a bath with the addition of baking soda for the patient, after which it is good to let the skin rest. Afterwards, you can also try an ointment for sweating, such as Bepanthen, Sudocrem or another zinc ointment. A universal Jarisch solution is also commonly available in pharmacies, which is suitable for washing damaged skin.

What do grandmothers' advice say about sweats?

A rash in both a baby and an elderly patient is said to heal faster if you rinse the affected areas with an infusion of horsetail or a decoction of oak bark. Baking soda is also said to soothe the skin, and for better drying and healing of blisters, black tea, baby powder or cornmeal are suitable.

For the treatment of sweats, people often recommend washing the blisters with a decoction of chamomile or directly taking a chamomile bath. However, since babies are often allergic to this herb, be careful with this variant.

Possible complications

If a child scratches his sweats or neglects proper hygiene, he risks introducing an infection into the wound. In this case, the blisters can start to fester unpleasantly, the treatment becomes much more complicated and scars can remain on the skin. If the sweats do not disappear on their own within a few days, the surrounding skin is significantly reddened and the blisters become cloudy or pus, the best solution is to seek medical help immediately.

Sweat rash and prevention

To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant rash, it is worthwhile to follow the following instructions:

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