• 13/09/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Tomio Okamura is in execution.Due to lies about journalists from HlídacíPes.org - HlídacíPes.org<

The outgoing vice -chairman of the Chamber of Deputies and the head of the SPD Tomio Okamura faces execution.The constitution of independent journalism has not yet apologized for the words of the "fraudulent website" of the Watchdogs.Org, although the apology was already in charge of the High Court in Prague..Thus confirmed the previous decision of the Prague Municipal Court, where the Institute filed a lawsuit.

”Execution is part of our efforts to defend independent media in the Czech Republic.It is not possible for people like Milos Zeman, Andrej Babiš or Tomio Okamura and other enemies of freedom of speech to attack false and impunity, ”said the founder of the Watchdes..Org and Director of the Institute of Independent Journalism Ondřej Neumann.

The dispute was specific statements that were heard at the end of 2017.Watchdog.Org then published a text in which he described that Okamura had deprived himself of his share in his Prague restaurant, but did not state it in his property confession.The vice -chairman of the Chamber of Deputies responded with the words of the "fraudulent site".

"The defendant's reaction has exceeded the limits of legitimate criticism," Judge Jiří Čurda said in the announcement of the judgment, saying that the article contained errors, but criticism should move in certain mantinels.And they have been crossed.

”If Tomio Okamura does not fulfill his obligation imposed by the court, the bailiff may impose a fine of up to CZK 100,000.If it fails to fulfill its duties even after, the bailiff may impose other adequate fines that fall to the state, ”added the lawyer Aleš Rozehnal, who represented the Institute of Independent Journalism in the dispute.

The Municipal Court in Prague brought its first verdict in the matter already in August 2019.Judge Růžena Kučerová then decided that Okamura's criticism is not reasonable and is not based on any particular truth.Okamura ordered to publish an apology on his Facebook profile.

You can read the execution document here:

Notification of launching execution.

Text enforced apology:

”On 14.12.2017 I published on my Facebook profile a post in which I marked the website Hlidacipes.Org for the web fraudulent, its journalists and the media cesspool that sounds citizens around and stated that its goal as profites decomposition of traditional values and false attacks on the SPD.For the above statements with the Institute of Independent Journalism, from.at.that operates the news server Hlidacipes.org, sorry.”

And the Soros again

O co přesně šlo?Watchdog.org text „Tomio Okamura už není restauratér” publikoval 11.December 2017 and offered readers the following facts:

  1. Okamura prodal o rok dřív svůj podíl ve společnosti provozující restauraci Staré časy v Praze
  2. V jeho majetkovém přiznání poslance se částka z této transakce neobjevila
  3. Pokud by se ukázalo, že příjem z prodeje byl vyšší než 100 tisíc, mohlo by se jednat o porušení zákona o střetu zájmů

Okamura responded to the text with the following Facebook post:

“A fraudulent website Hlidacipes.org spojený s penězi GeorgeSorose, který financuje politické „neziskovky”, dnes lživě a podvodně informuje, že jsem prý neuvedl ve svém majetkovém přiznání prodej svého podílu v restauraci.It was an amount of up to 100 ths.CZK I do not need to mention by law. Zde na konkrétním příkladu vidíte, jací to jsou podvodníci,” napsal Okamura a dodal i grafiku „sítě seSorosem spojených neziskovek a projektů v České republice”.

These include, for example, the US Embassy, EU funds, People in Need, but also virtually all Czech ministries, Pirates or Czech Television.

RedakceWatchdog.Org when writing the original text asked for information directly Tomia Okamura.But he did not respond to the sent SMS at that time, his assistant reported to the questions sent by e-mail, saying that the share of the share took place in 2017 and therefore does not have to be in the confession.

But the sale took place really a year earlier, as shown in the Commercial Register.

Po upozornění, že transakce se podle veřejně dostupnýchatdajů uskutečnila už na počátku roku 2016, pak už ani přes urgence od Okamury žádná odpověď nepřišla.

Good news for media

„Tomio Okamura se opakovaně snaží znedůvěryhodnit zdroje nepříjemných informací, zastrašovat je, opakovaněattočí na jednotlivé novináře i konkrétní média.His favorite target is mainly public media. Když takto koncem roku 2017 napadl i náš web, který označil za podvodný, rozhodli jsme se bránit soudní cestou,” vysvětluje šéfredaktorWatchdog.Org Robert Břešťan.

The judicial verdict and execution in relation to Okamura and his statements, according to him, are good news not only for the Institute of Independent Journalism, but also for the whole Czech media scene. „Aspoň pro tu, která se pořád snaží o poctivou žurnalistiku,” dodává Břešťan.

Tomio Okamura je v exekuci. Kvůli lžím o novinářích zWatchdog.org —Watchdog.org

According to the director of the Institute of Independent Journalism, Ondřej Neumann does not respect Tomio Okamura Democratic Rules for a long time.“We decided to remind him that some rules still apply in the Czech Republic.Despite the systematic destructive activity of Tomia Okamura and to him.I am very happy that domestic courts despite the escalating pressure decide freely. A že svobodná zůstává i část tuzemské mediální scény,” říká Neumann.

Advokát Aleš Rozehnal, který Ústav nezávislé žurnalistiky před soudem zastupoval, podle svých slov doufá, že rozsudky i tato vyhlášená exekuce přispějí k ukončeníattoků politiků na nezávislá média.

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  1. napsal:20.10.2021 (6:47)

    Only two sides in opposition are not good news for radio listeners and TV viewers!Only Babiš will appear in these media in these media… and the incredibly chatty Okamura! What did we do to whom?

  2. napsal:20.10.2021 (8:37)

    Take it positively.There will no longer be Filip with Hamáček.

  3. napsal:20.10.2021 (8:53)

    We voted wrong!

  4. napsal:20.10.2021 (9:04)

    The Czech people have chosen them.Those who did not vote have to endure but do not have to listen to them, the radio have buttons to shut down.

  5. napsal:20.10.2021 (9:19)

    So join them.

  6. napsal:20.10.2021 (10:48)

    I wouldn't see that so badly. Prymulu vyhodili před rokem z funkce ministra, a stejně ho média jakožto „význačného experta” citujou pořád.So in this neither the Communists nor the socans are lost, and they can criticize Fiala's government on Twitter and they will find it there by the journalists..

  7. napsal:20.10.2021 (7:25)

    Wolestage, fertilizer from stupid and similar to him (primarily Czech, or more preferably Czech-Russian disinfoscene), drawing as a satan with horns, underlying trust in standard media, for many years it belongs to Arsenal of Mimon and people living in alternative universes.For HP editors this should serve as an appreciation and proof that it does its job correctly.

  8. napsal:20.10.2021 (17:52)

    Mr. Loucký - that you are not ashamed. Nenávist z vásatplně čiší na dálku…..You are intelligent - to change the name of a person, just because he is a stranger… Isn't it criminal?.Do you even know the SPD program?Please write me what is wrong with him, maybe it can be corrected ???..And Soros's activities, the NWO-NW ORDER-You don't think they are misinformation, and fictions !!!You are a well -read person, you need to know what the new multicultural Europe is, the demise of nation states!.After all, globalists or their pugs do not conceal it, they promote it directly, and visibly, so perhaps you are not the last to learn it… but it does not take it, just like you do not take patriots - it is democracy…that -that is not the money today…..

  9. napsal:20.10.2021 (18:18)

    Sir/boy, you probably live completely out of reality for a long time.Sometimes it wants to lift your eyes away from the monitor and keyboard/mouse and engage your brain, which I don't want to dehonest your thinking.Absolutely stupid insults and stickers for ev.The opponents of the opponents have been here for a long time and it was not good.No need to react if anger and resentment prevail over well -being and calm.

  10. napsal:21.10.2021 (9:21)

    Thank you gentlemen for reactions, humor and laughter in the morning will greatly encourage you and pleasantly tune.Unfortunately only until one realizes that one shares similar opinions about 1/3 of the population 🙁 I will count here sympathizers of the SPD, KSČ, VB, TSS, oaths, but partially lunatics and extras of all colors in all sides, but in those whatNow they have lost the elections, there are more of them more.Let me say goodbye to the beautiful Arab proverb: “One who knows and doesn't know he knows, sleeps.Wake him up.One who does not know and knows not knowing is simple.Instruction.One who doesn't know and doesn't know he doesn't know, he's stupid.Avoid him.One who knows and knows he knows is wise.Follow him.

  11. napsal:21.10.2021 (9:52)

    Soros is a properly convicted criminal in France (for Insider Trading).Many of his activities were and is absolutely immoral or amoral and on the edge of the law.Babiš is repeatedly blamed for things.that were absolutely in accordance with the law, just do not like any dubious activists.People like Soros should be totally impossible to interfere in any way in politics, even gifts.

  12. napsal:20.10.2021 (8:38)

    Is that the ugly house to fade?

  13. napsal:20.10.2021 (8:49)

    I am not surprised, almost all politicians lie.There are also a lot of liars in the new government. Ne nadarmo je přísloví: „Kdo lže ten krade”.

  14. napsal:20.10.2021 (8:56)

    Oh the unhappy journalistic Czech, absolutely bombastic headline that it is said “P. Okamura je v exekuci”, a při čtení článku se člověk dozví, že p.Okamura was once sentenced to a completely formal apology by the court's statement. Kteroužto na něm teď vymahá exekučníatřad, a taky je v tom exekučním výměru napsáno ” k vymožení nároku ..CZK 0.00. ” Naprostá šaškárna, kterou měl exekučníatřad okamžitě odmítnoiut, s tím že dělat propagandu pro kohokoliv není jeho roleOno ostatně, i pan zastupující advokát informoval HP mylně, žádná pokuta 100 000 Kč, ale pouhá polovina, a pouze za určitých okolností, jak je ostatně v tom exekučním lejstru v bodu 9 zmíněno.Which therefore for p.Okamura even with his parliamentary income Pakatel, and definitely because of this, or their speeches will not change.

    But the good news for the media is certainly that the watchdog does not heat its readers or that it does not receive any money from P.Sorose.Which, perhaps the court clearly stated that this was p.Okamura failed to prove.Or certainly confirmed by those readers who follow HP and trust him.So there was no greater reason to continue this dispute and the mud to stretch further..

  15. napsal:20.10.2021 (11:46)

    I wouldn't do such a quick courts, maybe it would cost and deeper analysis and verification of facts.

    I am not a lawyer, but I assume that the required CZK 100,000 is mentioned here: Section 351 of Act No..99/1963 Coll

  16. napsal:20.10.2021 (9:53)

    Myslím, že diskreditace politických oponentů tím, že je označíte za „nepřátele demokracie a svobody” je skutečně podvod, neboť tímto labellingem se vylučují osoby z demokratické diskuze – a pokud tak tento web činí, jediným možným závěrem je, že jde o o podvodný web.In both cases (the Labeling of persons and the designation of the web as fraudulent) it is a value court.And they have the right of both sides of the dispute according to the natural feeling for justice.

  17. napsal:20.10.2021 (10:21)

    Unfortunately, we didn't know anything about the essence of the problem.That is, if Okamura had a paravda when he claims: “It was an amount of up to 100 thousand.CZK I do not need to mention by law.”Prověřili to investigativci z HP ?

  18. napsal:20.10.2021 (13:43)

    Označení za „podvodný web” je opravdu v tomto případě nevhodné a neodpovídající, podvod je konkrétně vymezený čin a je třeba jej dokázat, což se Okamurovi nezdařilo, pokud se o to vůbec pokusil.HP is a neomarxist Euro -icer website and does not hide with it. I proto jej pravidelně čtu a když se neudržím i komentuji, protože pročítat si pouze obsah webů „mého kmene” mi nic nového nepřinese.Know your enemy better than yourself.

  19. napsal:21.10.2021 (10:31)

    Fraud is an act that is committed by one who misuses foreign ignorance or trust in one's own benefit or or. někoho za tímtoatčelem uvede v omyl.Typically, the media and the website where readers of the audience are lazy themselves and think so the Jews to see what they should think, who I like, who they should not like

  20. napsal:21.10.2021 (20:27)

    You know, I'm afraid it is more complicated.It is necessary to distinguish fraud as a crime, and fraud (no, fraudster) as a derogatory sign

    So, if Mr Okamura perceive the activity of HP as a crime, then he would go to the police.But then he would not be responsible for anything, but it would be a matter of the police, whether or not.Well, but that the designation used it in a derogatory sense, so it is responsible for it, even legally.So if it is worth it to judge with him..

  21. napsal:20.10.2021 (13:59)

    All the stealing.

  22. napsal:20.10.2021 (18:50)

    He is a careerist and he only cares about the power.The people as such are not interested in….

  23. napsal:20.10.2021 (19:16)

    And you did not break something, for example, by publishing the birth number in the link to the execution assessment of CZK 0? Not to mention why the sale of a 20,000 stake should be stated…

  24. napsal:20.10.2021 (23:05)

    Není možné, aby na ně lidé jako Miloš Zeman, Andrej Babiš či Tomio Okamura a další nepřátelé svobody slova lživě a beztrestněattočili,” uvedl k vyhlášení exekuce zakladatelWatchdog.Org and Director of the Institute of Independent Journalism Ondřej Neumann.

    And what to put in the mouth of Ondřej Neumann?On the contrary, it seems very possible to me. Jsem značně alergický na šmejdy, co si zakládají „ústavy” a hrajou si ochránce veřejného zájmu.My interest does not chase, the circle.

  25. napsal:21.10.2021 (8:14)

    Podle Aleše Rozehnala prý dojde k ukončeníattoků politiků na nezávislá média. Já si myslím, že dojde k fyzickýmattokům na novináře, protože neexistuje legální způsob, jak zabránit neobjektivitě médií včetně veřejnoprávních.The media is spreading mainstream propaganda, support of courts and media advice, and others are lynching.These are mainly CT, Czech Radio Plus, Forum, Watchdog, List.To mark these media as independent is from Rozehnal slap to all decent people.The slap should get back.

  26. napsal:21.10.2021 (17:30)

    You are all the Babis Babis us, you want to get to the back of the back and our.People will be waiting for Almuzh, so far what you fraud will be executors can only do with us in a large democracy - I'm not surprised about our minds and on the way far behind the water.Cech proda babicku za staryho ojetyho medaka”.shame.

  27. napsal:22.10.2021 (6:40)

    I would like to point out that they are currently playing the director of the globe.Politicians are elected, unlike you, voters.So they present their views.You, only your private.And that the vast majority of the media goes with something mercy no need to be reminded.So in such cases the court should not deal with at all.

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