• 18/10/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Walking as a way to health.How many steps we should walk a day?<

In professional books we would read that walking as a movement using the lower limb has not only a logistical function, as it positively affects the muscle and joint apparatus, digestion and mental mood.But beware, of course there is no walk as a walk.What distance, or rather the number of steps, is the boundary for which all of these advantages begin?It turned out that what was true yesterday is a bit of passage today.

Other time, other demands

10,000 steps a day, which corresponds to approximately eight kilometers.This is a media -promoted figure to which the scientific profession has been sweating for a nice line of years.Recently, however.This was shown by a unique British research whose conclusions were published by the International Journal of Obesity.

Experts have included over 100 volunteers who “spa” so to speak.Yes, you know correctly, all addressed volunteers performed the profession of postal deliverymen, so they properly employed their legs from morning to evening.

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Baptism by fire that revealed the truth

At the very beginning of a “pedestrian study”, respondents were thoroughly examined for the risk factors of a variety of chronic diseases.So doctors measured their blood sugar, cholesterol and the level of triglycerides, the fats that are found in the blood.Their pressure and mental condition also found themselves under the scrutiny.Participants also received a sensitive monitoring device monitoring physical activity that closely "supervised" for seven days.The final analysis of the results was then at the least, very unexpected…

15,000 as a magic number

Chůze jako cesta ke zdraví. Kolik kroků denně bychom měli ujít?

It sailed to the surface that those who offended 10,000 steps daily did not get better from a health point of view.Rather at all!In this respect, the best results have achieved the couriers what they have conquered within working hours without difficulty 15,000 steps.Their repeated tests focused on the overall condition showed not only exemplary metabolic functions, but also a considerably limited probability of cardiovascular diseases, depression, arterial hypertension, premature death and insomnia.

The secret lies in prehistoric times

'The key fact is that our metabolism is absolutely not built for the ever -expanding population habit of sedentary lifestyle.We should take an example from our ancestors.Those like hunters had to climb a lot of miles in any weather to get the food needed to survive.Therefore, they were such strong and resistant individuals, ”believes the co -author of the research, doctor William Tigbe, whose main location is the British University Warwick.There is no doubt about the great benefits of walking.

“If you are trying to lose weight, you should burn more calories than you accept from the diet.And ordinary walking is the easiest way to do it.A person who weighs 60 kilograms burns around 75 calories after half an hour of this activity.But if you increase your pace, you can easily get rid of even 150 calories, which is the equivalent of three apple cakes or larger donuts, ”explains British personal coach Stuart Amory.What do you go for a health and slimming walk today?The current weather invites you to do so!

And how much do you walk daily?Shut up with your achievements!

Photo-Zdroj: Shutterstock.com