• 05/08/2022
  • By wizewebsite

What do you know from children's drawing?Mainly do not do it, so you don't take the child's desire to create<

And actually as soon as they grab the chalk or throw up the cup of finger colors.In our home, none of the children was driven by himself and I regret that I did not support my sons more.Tests of school maturity at the age of five in the "drawing" area at the pediatrician one of them did not even pass.And to paint my dad at the record cost us a month of training and my sweaty back, so that he does not forget the neck!

Its only a game

"For children, drawing and other creation are playing, they do not look at it initially, just so -called happening," says psychologist and arterapist Vilém Urban.”They start drawing when they stand up on their own - even at a time when they can't speak.”

If you are a tolerant parent who is going to paint an apartment in the near future, you can withstand improved walls.The joy of the annual toddler, when it remains a thick color line that boasts you will be huge.And just as he starts enthusiastically, he will be able to throw a brush or chalk in a few minutes and go for another fun.

„My rodiče míváme tendenci hledat v kresbách nějaké významy, ale to je zbytečné,” říká Vilém Urban.”When a child is in captivity, let him create and enjoy the game.People who will tell him what and how to do properly will experience blessed in the future.And let's count on the fact that when the game stops entertaining he will leave.”

Děti a mateřství

Paint with kids, make it easier for them to write

The doodles is a kind of movement

In the first creations it is not so much a picture itself as an exercise.The purely motor affair given by the shuttle movement of the arm simply has a visible result.And the child thus acquaints with the possibilities of his body and physical dispositions.

„Cokoliv, co za sebou nechává silnou stopu, vyvolá silné pozitivní zážitky,” konstatuje Vilém Urban.”We can add chalk or favorite finger colors to the rattles and other toys.Children are soaked in them.”

But be aware that a small child likes to taste many things.Omit the pencils so far - the narrower and smaller the less, the harder it will grab.

Dítě je na světě

With drawing you can better understand your child

Broading and cephalopods

Co poznáte z dětské kresby? Hlavně ji nehodnoťte, ať nevezmete dítěti chuť tvořit

They are two or three and try to imitate you in everything.In addition, it begins to speak more: the perfect opportunity to start the color world to divide in words and pictures.

„Další kresby už úzce souvisí s vývojem řeči,” popisuje Vilém Urban.”So far, the world has been a different color for the child.Now he's starting to divide her: she knows a tree, a car, a mom and a dad.The surroundings teach him what is what, and this is reflected in the drawing.”

Mom and dad occupy the greatest importance in the children's header.Oval periods from which the legs and hands rise (the so -called.thus the cephalopods) show even the strongest emotional experiences.From Čáranice they begin to gradually form contours of people and things.

One picture = 1000 words

Why do most children love drawing and carry one picture after another?

„Slovo má pro děti dlouho prázdný význam,” vysvětluje Vilém Urban.”Painting is the best way to express, already in the Middle Ages stories according to pictures and icons to all who could not read or write.”

Even if it seduces you, do not try to interpret your children's pictures, unnecessarily evaluate and look for some deeper meaning in them.

„Dejte na dojem,” radí Vilém Urban.”Just as we notice children on the sand as they play, we can view pictures. Když nás „něco zarazí”, je to důvod k přemýšlení, ale i odborníci posuzují dětskou kresbu vždy až ve spojení s dalšími kritérii.We should definitely defend ourselves assessment and comparison.”

Krása a styl

GALLERY: Have the most beautiful jewel made from children's doodles

Black.Is that depression?

Of course, you won't be able to see it, and you will look for the creations of your children and look unobtrusively at the others.Is it possible to observe something about the nature of the child or its current mood?We usually be fooled by generally prerequisites.Typical is the use of black color from which we have a subconscious fear completely unnecessarily.

„Děti černou milují,” usmívá se Vilém Urban."She's unambiguous, you can see a lot.Maybe later in puberty, black is a classic example of a revolt, which is currently fine.”

Vyvarujte se proto přemýšlet o tom, že „domeček na kopečku” může znamenat to či ono.And when the neighbor is surprised that your toník drew dad that has some oval in his stomach, and if it's not strange, you can laugh at.

„To není žádná patologie nakreslit v břiše táty deset knedlíků,” uvádí na pravou míru Vilém Urban.”It is an example of the illustrative period - the child is simply biased by how much dad managed to eat for lunch.”

Analyst or chaotic?

Although you are not a psychologist, you will find something in those pictures, just be a good observer.Is it sweeping, irregular, as if sales?Or is one tree on the quarter just like the other, including the identical number of branches?

„Takzvaný enumerativní výčet prvků bývá typický především pro zodpovědné holčičky, ale i některé chlapečky a v určitém stádiu vývoje je typickým projevem,” upřesňuje Vilém Urban.”For example, the princesses in the pictures are perfect and for parents it is one of the puzzles to the mosaic of the child's nature.Drawing can do many things to tell.”


Hold your child a bad pencil?Teach the correct grip after the third year

Anna draws better!

So this is the exact instructions on how to take the child's appetite for drawing and self -confidence.If you can defend this as a parent, it usually happens at the latest in the first class where the gradation and comparison come.And hand in hand with it disappears the desire to create something.

„I když dítě nakreslí auto s dvěma koly, neměli bychom to odsoudit,” radí závěrem Vilém Urban."It's his way of dealing with reality.”

So take it on the street and arrange an experience - all cars have four wheels, next time they may try to paint more credibly.After all, the most important thing is the desire to create something and it is necessary to support.

VIDEO: When do parents are supposed to deal with a child holding a crayon or pencil completely badly?

Dítě je na světě

Correct to write kids do not teach at school you have to do that


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