• 11/05/2022
  • By wizewebsite

Woman showing obesity without filter. You're an uneaten lazy pig, she writes<

Jarmila Ďuríčková has been struggling with comments on her character since childhood. She heard them from her elementary and high school classmates, and her family's wishes for innocent remarks were sometimes drowned out. "I was a more rewarding child, I was not obese, but I was always bigger than other children," explained the woman, who dispels myths about obesity in her instagram account and tries to motivate people to lead a healthy lifestyle and self-acceptance.

On social networks, however, she also shows moments when she fails, succumbs to binge eating and gains weight. People praise her especially when she loses weight. When she gains weight, they start cursing her. However, she is used to insults. Her body was commented on several times by strangers on the street, even an associate professor at the university.

5 photos

"You are a fat, uneaten pig, you are disgusting, you stink of a picture, a hundred-year-old woman can't be beautiful," Jarmila quotes some of the news that comes to her. However, most of them read with a laugh. Adolescence, study, and the instagram world have hardened her so much that she no longer takes Internet insults to heart. "People release poison, and when you go deep, you find that they usually have problems themselves," she said.

She doesn't like it when people accuse her of promoting obesity. He does not agree that showing someone else's obese body motivates them to gain weight. "I can't imagine anyone seeing a picture of an overweight body and saying they want it too."

Obesity can be caused by mental illness

People often perceive obesity as aesthetically unsightly, they think that one can blame oneself for one's greed and lack of will. "Obese people are perceived as people who fail," explains Jan Kulhánek from the Anděl Psychotherapy Center. Some of them have been obese since they were young, they are struggling with the disease, but they are not succeeding.

Žena ukazuje obezitu bez filtru. Jsi nenažrané líné prase, píší jí

Another group of people suffer from an eating disorder, emotional overeating or bulimia. "In this case, it's a mental disorder, so they're not really to blame. They can only blame themselves for not being treated, "the psychologist explained.

According to Jarmila Ďuríčková, people often use the argument that obesity is not healthy to body shaming, which legitimizes insults. "People simply feel that they can swear at you and justify it by saying that obesity is unhealthy," Ďuríčková complained. According to her, people smoke, drink alcohol, have a lot of stress and generally harm their health in many ways.

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However, obesity is more visible than other problems, which is why people comment on it. "But it is not the only factor that affects our health. Someone will write to you that you are a lazy fat pig, while they smoke a box of cigarettes a day, "Ďuríčková remarked.

I hid from the neighbors

Jarmila used to be ashamed and apologetic for her obesity. When she came to the company, she needed to explain to her that she was trying to lose weight or that she would try to do so. When she came to Prague from her hometown, she stayed at home and did not go out. She didn't want the neighbors to see that she had gained weight. She also put off her dreams for a long time, pushing everything until she lost weight.

Today, paradoxically, she has a better relationship than she had twenty-five kilos less. Through his activities, he now tries to show that all bodies can be beautiful and that only through self-acceptance does the path lead to a healthy lifestyle, satisfaction and eventually weight loss.

Psychologist Kulhánek also claims that a positive attitude towards each other is essential. Being happy and critical of yourself is not out of the question. "I can accept and want to change my shortcomings at the same time. We would rather do something for the other person if we love him. And it works the same for us, "he described. According to Kulhánek, the best setting is when he perceives obesity as a partial problem that he wants to change because of his health, relationship contacts and good feelings about himself.

It's definitely not good to take the path of self-hatred, because it leads again to extremes, which can be bulimia or emotional overeating. And if obesity limits me, I recommend seeking professional help. Changing one's own habits is not easy, a successful fight against obesity costs a lot of energy, often money, and few people can do it, "added Kulhánek.