• 21/06/2022
  • By wizewebsite

How quickly after the breakup fastened: by self -love and clear rules<

We know it is up to us how we deal with it.The head is clear: hurry away, turn the leaf, life goes on, one day it will be better.It would be so simple - if it weren't for the heart that complicated.He refuses to take note of rational reasons, break away and forget.Especially for the beautiful beginnings full of promises and hope.

Právě takové vzpomínky dodnes pronásledují devětatřicetiletou Mirku. „První rok naší známosti byl nádherný. Pořád jsme byli spolu, vodili jsme se za ruce. Myslela jsem si, že mě Petr miluje. Nosil mi kytky a malé, roztomilé dárečky. Po pár měsících jsme se domluvili, že se k němu přestěhuju,“ vzpomíná.

“I was happy to want to wake up next to me.So at least I interpreted it, but probably wrong or naively.The idyll soon disappeared.After a year of living, tenderness disappeared, sex was reduced to weekends, and Peter's behavior after him changed.Instead of stroking, he reached for the tablet and read the news.I often waited for him for a long time with dinner.I knew something, but then there was certainty.He fell in love with a colleague.She likes me, but she loves her passionately.I moved out, but it didn't help.Even after five months I still think of him and I wish he returned.It's futile but I can't help myself. ”

Osmačtyřicetiletá Naďa je na tom ještě hůř. Její situace dokonce vykazuje rysy patologie. „Manžel mi od samého začátku dával najevo, že bych se bez něj neobešla, že ho potřebuju, abych vůbec přežila. Ale mně to nevadilo. Možná mi imponovala právě ta jeho mužnost, síla, převaha,“ říká.

“But after the wedding, he began to humiliate me and treat me grossly.Even in front of acquaintances and friends.I was sorry, but I loved him.But he did not feel happy in marriage.As a woman, I said I didn't excite him, so he found a girlfriend.I was sorry, but I thought it might calm down and it would benefit our relationship.But he went to her and told me he wouldn't come back.I suffer like a dog.One day I want to call the girl and tell her how he treated me, then cry again and I'm completely helpless.I know I should love myself, but I don't know how ... ”

Vlastní recept, jak se vyrovnat s rozchodem, našla šestatřicetiletá Beata. „Nejdřív jsem seděla doma a jen brečela. Pak jsem si všimla, že na něj venku myslím daleko méně. Takže jakmile mě přepadly myšlenky na ztraceného miláčka, vyrazila jsem ven. Stačilo jen oběhnout blok nebo jít na nákup, hned to bylo lepší. Pak jsem začala chodit do fitka a tancovat. Pohyb mi pomohl překonat trauma rozchodu. Dnes už mám jiný vztah, cvičím ale pořád.“

Listen to and perceive what pleases us

If we want to process the traumatic experience that a break with a beloved partner is undoubtedly, we must be able to listen to what is happening in us.To perceive what affects us, how we feel in a certain environment, in certain music, activities, with a certain person.And change it, model it as needed.

At a time when the wound is fresh, it is necessary to avoid what has a negative effect and let only favorable effects effect as possible.

Jak se po rozchodu rychle odmilovat: sebeláskou a jasnými pravidly

Thinking about the lost object of love to limit time and spatially, for example at 18:00 at the table in the room, nowhere else.Giving it an exact program as if it were a session with the therapist.Prepare for it, bring notes and add them on the spot.It also helps to talk about feelings aloud, talk out of them, cry, get out.There is nothing worse than leaving stressful feelings inside.

Stejně se s rozchodem vyrovnával i šestačtyřicetiletý Norbert. „Když jsem pochopil, že se Ilona nevrátí, myslel jsem, že to nepřežiju. Všechno mě bolelo, celé tělo, celá duše, měl jsem pocit, že mě zevnitř drásá a užírá nějaký netvor. Navštívil jsem psychologa a ten mi řekl, že to musím ukočírovat, nenechávat myšlenkám volný průběh. Že si mám dělat zápisky, když mě něco napadne, ale sešit sklapnout a přinést na schůzku s imaginárním terapeutem, která se bude konat jen jednou denně. Dělal jsem to a po několika týdnech jsem byl z nejhoršího venku. Dneska už vím, že se dá všechno zvládnout, člověk musí jen chtít a vědět, jak na to.“

Také třiapadesátiletou Alici kdysi opustil partner, kterého moc milovala. Kvůli mladší ženě. Ale protože je Alice energická a má zdravé sebevědomí, brzy našla způsob, jak to překonat. „Po několika slzavých týdnech jsem si řekla: A dost! Proč na toho prevíta pořád myslím? Vždyť si to vůbec nezaslouží! Naopak, já si zasloužím lepšího chlapa! Bouchla jsem šampus, připila sama sobě na tohle zdravé naštvání - a bylo po žalu.“

It is necessary to realize that reality does not affect us as such, but by what filters we let it go.Just change the environment, enjoy other visual or acoustic perceptions, or redirect thoughts, or think of something else.We feel different right away.

Unfortunate love is a source to grow

The field of neurolinguistic programming discusses how to process reality.For those who are looking for instructions on how to deal with a breakup can only benefit if they read a few chapters on this topic.

Do not blame a shipwreck, the bad choice of a partner had some significance, we learned something, we should have understood something through it, says Austria Verena Spitzerová, who is devoted to psychology, spirituality and quantum physics.

"Thanks to quantum physics, I came to the conclusion that everything was on different frequencies of the oscillating energy field," he says on his blog.

“I realized that love, romance forgive, there is nothing but the resonance of oscillation, followed by attraction and magnetism.Mathematically expressed is love magnetism.Although it may sound cold, it helps to end affliction. ”

About the author

Libuše Konopová deals with partner coaching and leads the counseling here.

After all, no one is published.There are ways to talk about step by step if suffering is too great.

According to Spitzer, love always has something to do with us.“In the other, one meets himself, whether they are unrealized potentials, unhappy needs or his own inner destructive patterns.The outside is always a mirror of the inside.The people we fall in love with are the best mirrors.People we are in love with unhappily, who do not return our love, can mean a chance to develop spiritually. ”

In other words, one has the relationship he deserves at that time.If he was unsatisfactory, he should be able to learn, understand what was wrong and how to avoid it next time.Being able to process it, evaluate it correctly and move on.

How to overcome the breakup?

To whom the following recommendations do not help, should not wait for anything and seek professional help.

1. Do not expect a breakup or divorce to disappear without a trace.Do not make any major decisions at this time, only the most necessary.

2. Collect all his items at home and put them in the box and take it to the cellar.

3. Avoid any contact with the former, although it will be difficult for you.Let him take care of his laundry himself.The obligation to take care is only valid for cases where the other is life.

4. Do not inject pain from breakup with alcohol, pills or eating.Drugs do not cure, they only dull for a while.The pain will shrink if we admit it and try to handle the breakup/divorce mentally.

5. Create an activity plan - especially for weekends and holidays.Do not overload, but be active, even though you will not have too much taste.It is important to go out, not sit at home and a non -mum.

6. Anger and hatred relax in a harmless way: Write letters that will not be sent.Express remorse and injuries.Put anger in motion by running, walking, dancing or digging a garden.

7. Write what you think you did in partnership wrong.End with the sentence: “I did what was possible.I can forgive myself. ”

8. Be aware of your positive and strengths, abilities.They are often forgotten in the breakup or divorce.

9. Remember that you may be happy again even if the partner does not return.The pain of the breakup fades away.

10. You will work out the breakup better if you are benevolent to the mistakes you have made in the relationship.Just as you understand others in a similar situation, have an understanding for yourself and the break -up of the relationship.You're not perfect.Mail is human.If you look back at your marriage or relationship, you may realize that the breakup was the best solution for you and your partner.This knowledge will help you process the breakup better.

11. Reject the partner's offer to stay good friends.This would currently only complicate your situation.You can't shift out of love for friendship because you would interpret every nice gesture as evidence that you can get a partner back.Find new friends (for example, in a group that processes this topic), meet with old friends, family.

12. Hold the children from the conflict as far as possible.They have to deal with the breakup, just like you.If you are disappointing, rage and bitterness of children against the former partner, you can only make it difficult for them to handle the breakup.Children feel you suffer from, but they don't understand the context.For them, it is important that they do not have to decide between the two parents.

13. Enjoy enough time, don't throw yourself into a new relationship right away.The affair could strengthen your self -confidence, disturbed by the breakup, but then you realize that you cannot evoke the emotions you are looking for.The new relationship just has no chance.

Author: Psychologist Doris Wolfová