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Reporting from the forest where the foresters from all over the Czech Republic go<

License | Some Rights reserved forZdeňka Kováříková / Ekolist.About eighty foresters from all over the Czech Republic came here.They want to look at the forest that is usually given as a pattern: Kangaroos.For a small village of the same name in the district of Prague-East, for 30 years, the forest has been grown in a nearby way.It is largely due to one person, Vladislav Ferkl, who invented, pushed and realized Klokočná and realized.We know the ads are annoying.And we respect that you have them off :-) We will be happy if you support us differently.
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Seminář na Klokočné se koná jednou za pět let. Lesníci z celé republiky tak mají možnost nahlédnout „pod pokličku” lesa, kde se po 30 let neudělala žádná holina. Přednášky probíhají u altánu v lese, odděluje je troubení na lesní rohy. To, že jsme na setkání lesnického cechu, je nepřehlédnutelné. Velká většina účastníků je v lesnickém úboru v různých odstínech zelené. Seminář v demonstračním objektu Klokočná 15. září 2021.License | Some Rights reserved forZdeňka Kováříková / Ekolist.cz

”When you look around, you will see a forest that looks significantly different than most forests in our country.And it is the result of thirty years of hard work, especially Vladislav Ferkl, ”says one of the organizers of the excursion Milan Hron from the Silva Bohemica Association, which promotes nature close to forests of forests.

At the very beginning of today's kangaroo but was calamity."How many of our forest stands are in a similar situation today?" Asks Milan Hron.There is a little hope that today's bad state of forests could inspire some of the forest owners and foresters to change the manner of management just as it happened here.

Exkurze lesníků v demonstračním objektu Klokočná.License | Some Rights reserved forZdeňka Kováříková / Ekolist.cz

There is nothing spectacular to the kangaroo: it is a nice forest with different trees, there are plenty of small seedlings, between spruces and firs are large groups of young beechs, somewhere is pine or oak, larch, but also Douglas and birch.

Its uniqueness stands out when you look more closely at the forest composition: it grows here, and naturally renews.At the same time, most of the Czech forests of the fir have almost disappeared and now is put into forests at heavy costs.There is also growing beech, which is brought to the forest in groups by which Vladislav Ferkl calls cauldrons.Another finding: It is not the same forest, but the trees from seedlings over adolescents to adults are growing.Compared to Kangaroos, the classic economic forest is somewhat poor.As a plantation.

Dva světy současného lesnictví. Rozdíl mezi obvyklým stavem smrkové monokultury, kde ještě převod na nepasečný les nezačal (vlevo) a dlouhodobě nepasečně obhospodařovaným lesem (vpravo) zvlášť vyniká, když je vidíme vedle sebe. Licence | Všechna práva vyhrazena. Další šíření je možné jen se souhlasem autoraFoto | Vojta Herout / Nadace Partnerství

Jak se „dělá” přírodní les?

"There has been a reconstruction not of stands, but management," says Vladislav Ferkl, how he managed to transform the forest damaged half -free into its present form, which goes to admire foresters from all over the Czech Republic.Thirty years ago, besides what it was necessary to do with the forest, it was looking for what not to do: not to be seated and not to complete.And it can be a very hard work for a forester.However, only a certain degree of "not making" created space for natural processes.

Today it is managed by a selected way.Only specific trees are selected for felling.Defeated with a chainsaw, the horse pulls out of the forest.From the approach lines that are mostly one -off on the kangaroo, the tractor takes them.The forest remains almost the same.The decisive factor is that the forest remains - with what is important to the trees: microclimate, soil with attic animals, moisture, root system through which trees communicate with each other.

Přibližování stromů na cesty probíhá s využitím koní. Ilustrační snímek.Licence | Volné dílo (public domain)Zdroj |pxhere

"Over the past 30 years, there has not been a single Holina," says Petr Kjuchukov from the Konopiště Forest Forestry, which is farming on Kangaro.This is essential because if the Holina does not arise, there is no foresting obligation.Thus.

Reportáž z lesa, kam se jezdí učit lesníci z celé republiky

Mining is carried out on kangaroo.."Forest renewal is modeled by light," explains Vladislav Ferkl that by removing certain trees from the stand will create space to grow trees another.

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Nepasečné hospodaření v lesích u Klokočné – soulad ekologie a ekonomiky lesa

”The main trump is fir that should be elevated from 0.2 % of the representation to 30-35 %.And I must admit that the current development of the lower floor is already working intensively and successfully, ”says Vladislav Ferkl boasts.Spruce should be reduced by the original representation of 80 % by about half.

Demonstration building Klokočná

Les u Říčan o výměře 393 ha ve vlastnictví státu, hospodaří zde Lesní závod Konopiště. Půdy jsou hlinité až jílovité, slabé až středně úrodné s kyselou reakcí, chudé na vápník a hořčík a naopak bohaté na draslík a sodík. Nadmořská výška se pohybuje mezi 420 – 510 m, roční úhrn srážek je 550 – 600 mm. Les na Klokočné.License | Some Rights reserved forZdeňka Kováříková / Ekolist.cz


By not placing trees, a lot of money saves.On the other hand, the cost of felling and approaching trees is higher than in the forest where the paddly managed.But it pays off in the overall balance."The scope of work and financial costs in cultivation has decreased significantly and increased costs for mining activities are compensated by greater production capacity," comments Vladislav Ferkl.

The forest economy is important because the kangaroo still wants to be a farm forest.The aim is to mine the wood, but to nature in a close way, in which the forest retains, for example, better resistance to pests, good forest soil potential and better water management.And all of this has the benefit of the forest as a whole, and together a man.

Bukový kotlík. Buk byl na Klokočné do lesa vnášený ve skupinách - jeho přirozenou obnovu chránila oplocenka. License | Some Rights reserved forZdeňka Kováříková / Ekolist.cz

But the kangaroo is not a paper -ordinary economic forest, it is the so -called.Forests of special destination, where the law prevails out -of -production interests over it economic.Since 1990 this forest has been a so -called demonstration object.The state shows the "sample way of management with regard to the achievement of a certain economic objective".And the goal is to verify whether it is possible to manage in the forests in a selection in a way that is economically advantageous.Therefore, the kangaroo has no ”special treatment”.As Vladislav Ferkl emphasizes, ”the granting of the nature forest in no way means any exceptions, economic privileges or relief compared.”

The success of the kangaroo shows the numbers: the average annual yield on hectare has lifted by 18 % in 30 years of selection management.

Bark beetle

Even the kangaroo aroused the biggest discussion bark beetle. „Kůrovce máme, ale ne v kalamitním rozsahu,” říká Vladislav Ferkl, když docházíme k místu, kde je patrný vjezd těžké techniky a rozvrácený porost. Lýkožrout se pustil hlavně do porostů, které ještě nejsou příliš „přestavěné” a více připomínají hospodářský les.

Kůrovcová těžba v lese na Klokočné.License | Some Rights reserved forZdeňka Kováříková / Ekolist.cz

However, Miroslav Jankovský, director of the Konopiště Forest race, admits that when the bark beetle gets into the forest, it is difficult to find in the stand.“We have 120 - 150 workers who indicate trees. Ale času jednat je málo,” doplňuje Jankovský.

This is not different from other forests.Once the bark beetle in the forest multiply, the trees are hard to defend him.All the more priority is to grow a varied forest and durable in which part of the trees will survive.

But it would not be possible

"When we return from such an event, participants are often enthusiastic and say, 'That's great.Here it goes.‘ Ale jak vzrůstá vzdálenost od místa činu směrem k domovu, začínají převládat pochybnosti, že u nich to je jinak a že to nejde,” popisuje svou zkušenost ze seminářů Milan Hron ze sdružení Pro Silva Bohemica.

However, the forest on the kangaroo has no special conditions that would favor the management in it.On the contrary. „Pro výběrný způsob hospodaření jsou tu hraniční podmínky,” říká Vladislav Ferkl.

Vladislav Ferkl provádí exkurzí v demonstračním objektu Klokočná.License | Some Rights reserved forZdeňka Kováříková / Ekolist.cz

In the Czech Republic, however, it has been believed for many years that forests need to be managed as a field. Znamená to vysadit stromy jednoho druhu, nechat je vyrůst do velikosti, kdy jsou vhodné ke „sklizni”, pokácet je najednou – pasečně, vzniklou holinu uklidit a vyčistit, půdu na ní obohatit hnojivy, zasadit stromky nové a čekat, až stromy opět dorostou.The idea was such that the forest is divided into a hundred hectares, one hectare smiles every year and then again afforesates.And this will ensure sustainable production for a hundred years. „Takhle se asi dá plánovat výroba bot, ale nedá se tak hospodařit s živým lesním ekosystémem,” říká o této ideji lesník Aleš Erber v rozhovoru pro Ekolist.

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Naše lesy potřebují dlouhodobou vizi, méně stromů a méně zvěře, říká lesník Aleš Erber

A forest where only one type of trees grows, typically spruce in our country has many disadvantages.The trees in it are equally old and are more susceptible to damage: dry, wind, snow, pests.For the last six years, Czech forests have been experiencing this: trees weakened by long -lasting drought have been attacked by an overgrown bark beam and this led to a massive wasting of forests.

The calamity state of Czech forests is so serious that under the pressure of the professional public, the species of forests have changed.Smrky gradually planted less and more space is given to deciduous trees.But the demand for spruce is still great because it is the most used tree in the woodworking industry.Nor does the Kangaro be cultivation do not give up.“We continue to count with spruce, from 30-40 %. Ale jeho původní zastoupení střídá jedle, které se zde celkem daří,” říká Petr Kjučukov.

Odrůstající přirozená obnova na Klokočné.License | Some Rights reserved forZdeňka Kováříková / Ekolist.cz

But what has not changed in most Czech forests is the way of management.There is still a so -called passive way compared.I legislation is still set to the so -called.age -class system.

Is it possible to manage the legislation, intended for the passive way, to manage selection?

„Myslím, že když si pro odpověď vypůjčím u nás oblíbenou hlášku ‚Jde to, ale dře to, tak to sedí a líp bych to nevyjádřil,” píše Vladislav Ferkl ve své knize Může být nepasečný – výběrný způsob alternativou pro naše lesy?, která vyšla loni.“The selection method of management is a legislation admitted in an economic manner, but the law does nothing more for him. Přesněji řečeno dělá – škodí”, pokračuje Vladislav Ferkl.According to him, the current legislation shows that the legislature prefers the forest corresponding to the nature of industrial production.

“We need the legislation to allow us to think about what the crop needs. Ne přikazovala, co máme dělat,” apeluje Ferkl.

The state of calling for a change completely ignores.Prepares legislation which, if passing, would be more favorable for the selection of management.“This is the first seminar where I can be optimistic because there is a new decree on the forest management.Hopefully we'll see her. To by byl zásadní průlom pro hospodářskou úpravu nepasečných, výběrných lesů,” říká s nadějí Jiří Zahradníček, který se na Klokočné zabývá inventarizací lesa.

Do budoucna by tu mělo být podobné množství smrku a jedle.License | Some Rights reserved forZdeňka Kováříková / Ekolist.cz

Even for contemporary foresters is the idea of how to transform the established management, difficult. „Mám z toho v hlavě guláš, jak to aplikovat,” říká na exkurzi lesní odborný hospodář z Tábora.Participants mostly enjoy the fact that they walk through the beautiful forest."I am here. U nás jsou rozsáhlé holiny, které už se tedy začínají obnovovat,” říká studentka lesnictví z okresu Bruntál, která by se v blízké době ráda stala hajnou.

But some participants do not hide their doubts.The group that goes back to the back enjoys ironic jokes about how to leave things on natural processes.But only a few show aloud their doubts.

„Jakou to má budoucnost, přibližování koněm? Jaká je budoucnost těch dalších zásahů, jak se to technologicky zvládne?” ptá se Josef Vovesný ze SVOL.The Konopiště Forest plant has its stable of horses, which it works with and continues to count on their use, responds director Miroslav Jankovský.The company owns but also harvesters, and their use is not excluded in the future if necessary.

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Smrkové lesy čeká totální kolaps. Nejlevnější a asi jediná možná bude přirozená obnova lesů, říká Daniel Pitek

"Foresters from outside in selected management only sees problems. Lidé, kteří v tom žijí, problémy už dávno vyřešili,” komentuje pochybovačné poznámky i Milan Košulič z Pro Silva Bohemica.

Most of the people who are going through the forest today are municipal and privacy owners, some associations in the Svol Association, a few people are from Lesy ČR.“Most people are here out of curiosity because she hasn't seen it and has started to talk a lot about it. Ale rozhodně nejsou nakloněni takovému způsobu hospodaření a zavádění u sebe,” popisuje účastníky Milan Košulič, který seminář pomáhal zorganizovat.
